Veteran’s Day

Daddy's pictureMy favorite vet passed away 9 years ago this week. He’s the one that taught me about strong women and got me started on the path to be one.

I grew up surrounded by veterans, loving them all. Every Sunday when visiting Grandmother, the boys – Daddy’s brothers would sit around and revisit their adventures in Europe during WWII. All but the baby were sent overseas. The same with Momma’s brothers. But it was Daddy’s sister that outranked them all. She worked in Europe and later in Korea as a physical therapist and I found her face on the Korean Wall in Washington, DC.

Mada on Korean Wall

I know I had her in mind when I wrote Dance Partner – my take on a modern veteran disabled in Afghanistan. With her at his side, I have no doubt he’d ready to face anything.




Dance Partner is on sale for $.99.
Barnes & Noble

Dance Partner

Jim is back home and existing, but nothing more. The irony of going to a dance club isn’t lost on him. The redhead moving around the floor is the last thing he needs in his life. So what if he can’t take his eyes off her.

It’s been a great day for Wendy, and dancing is her favorite way to celebrate. The hunk’s eyes are on her, but he doesn’t approach. Intrigued she approaches him and learns a lot more about herself than she planned.


2 thoughts on “Veteran’s Day

  1. Donna, you forgot to mention your father-in-law! Mr. John Samuel Honeycutt served in WWII as a top turret gunner on B17. Plane/crew shot down and had to crash land over Denmark…all crew surviving only to be captured by the Germans and spent 16 months in Stalag 17B. What a sacrifice for our country! He was a wonderful Christian, husband and role model.

    • You’re absolutely right! Sorry – I didn’t spend decades listening to him. His time in that prison camp could never be repaid.

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