Very Thankful

I have an extra lot to be thankful for this year.  Of course there’s Hubby, still my best friend ever after 35 years together – he’s been especially great this week. And two incredible, intelligent, strong children who are off on their own, supporting themselves.

And I’m thankful that Rebel Ink Press and I found each other and that they are publishing my seventh work with them on December 17 – Nowhere for Christmas.

This year in addition, my best sister’s (okay only sister’s) son, my wonderful nephew got married this week to his partner in New York where they’re intelligent enough not to bar two people who love each other from getting married.  Logan and Rob married!

l,l,&frannie at wedding


 Logan Ford and Robert Reynolds

Samantha Honeycutt – Stage Manager, Franny Civitano – Actress (and wedding officiant), Laura Ford – Niece and College Student

But since this is my blog–this year I’m most grateful of all that in the fall I took on the sidewalk of NY three hours before the wedding –

  • That Samantha was there to take over and handle everything – she really looked after me
  • For all the New Yorkers who stopped to check on us, especially the man that saw me go down and called 911 then stayed until the ambulance arrived – I hope his brother is okay
  • I did not shatter my glasses and get glass in my eye
  • I did not break either wrist
  • The small bone I did break in my left hand is already healing
  • My ribs are only sore, nothing broken that pierced a lung
  • My knee is only abraised
  • And that the wedding was so soon after the fall, the eye didn’t have time to blacken to its present glory.

left hand   fall in nyc 4








I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

10 thoughts on “Very Thankful

  1. You really had an interesting week, but it sounds like everything turned out well it the end. A very beautiful family you have here and I’m so happy you were not hurt any more seriously. I know your nephew and his husband are so happy you could be there with them.

    • already doing that – hope to get left hand back soon Hubby feeling guilty because he wasn’t there with me. So happy to be back in my own bed.

  2. Oh my! How on earth did you fall? What happened? That eye looks so painful! But hey, at least it wasn’t purple at the wedding so you’re right. If you’re looking for the rainbows in the midst of that storm, then at least the eye was purple at the wedding. lol! Congrats on the new contract with Rebel Ink and congrats on your nephew’s nuptials.

    • I literally tripped over a really bad place in the sidewalk. No warning. The next person behind me was pushing a stroller, hit it and the kid was nearly vaulted out. Thank goodness for straps it would have landed on me and really broken a rib. Can’t wait to type with two hands again.

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