Guardians of Now, Book 2 – A Different Time

A Different Time

Dusty Williams and Dee Stevens have returned to the present from 1891, as mysteriously as they left. But they’ve returned to a changed world. They immediately see the differences in the environment for the good. It takes a little time to see that not all differences are positive.

They need one another to maneuver in this new reality. And whats up with the strange dream that so many people are having . . .


The Guardian had never seen an Elder flustered. The relationship between Guardian and Elder, after so many centuries, was always formal and controlled. Now her mentor clutched her blue robe in her fists and the spark in her eyes was disconcerting. Did she know something about this?

“Yes, Elder. I know that does not seem possible, however, I can find no other explanation. The Essence is learning rapidly and has contacted me on two occasions, appearing curious and eager.”


“To learn, to experience. I have not been successful in asking very many direct questions.”

“We must call a circle. The Elders need to know of this development immediately. Attend me, Cael.”

The Guardian bowed her head in acceptance. The Elder had addressed her by her name. It had been millennia since she had been addressed thusly by anyone other than a peer. The informality of it struck her as she followed the Elder from her chambers. She must now remember to respond to her given name of Cael.

Increasing her pace to stay with the Elder, having never seen one move with such speed, Cael noted how Acolytes in green robes moved smoothly out of their way, then turned to watch them hurry down the corridor.

Though she never thought of them as old, the Elders were not immortal.

I need to rethink my perceptions.

Book one – Another Time
2018 RONE Nominee for Best Sci-Fi/Time Travell

Excerpt –

The Guardian rose as she felt the presence of the Elder approaching. It was unprecedented for an Elder to seek her out in her personal chambers. For an instant, apprehension touched her. Had her secret been uncovered before she could make a report?


The Guardian bowed, then straightened her flesh colored robe and faced her mentor. “You honor me with your presence. How may I be of assistance?”

“I am here for a report on your project.”

An Elder came to herfor a report? Did the Elder know of the contact the Guardian had received?

“Of course. Please sit. Refreshments?”

With a wave of her hand the Elder declined both.

“Is there anything specific you would wish to know?” A stall tactic, for the Guardian realized the time to reveal all had come.

“I have seen the change in you, Daughter. Others have discussed this new vitality you possess. Is it caused by this project?”

“Yes, Elder. I am honored you would seek me out. These humans I now study . . . excite me.”

The Elder’s eyebrow rose butshe waited.

“They are a young species, but are maturing at an accelerated, nearly fantastic rate. There have been missteps and backward slides. I believe it is why I was assigned to watch and if necessary, assist them. After observing many of their generations, I located a pair of humans who appeared to be a step above the others in terms of evolution.”

The Elder listened with interest in her eyes. “We were apprised of your plan to remove the pair from their time stream in an attempt to repair some of those missteps.”

“Yes, and the plan was approved. Shall I continue?”

The Elder inclined her head.

“The couple, a male and a female, relocated to a strategic time and place in their society’s past and the planet itself has benefited from the changes they instigated. The atmosphere and water arecleaner and the health of the populace has improved from the resulting modifications.”

“There was talk of an evolutionary step . . .”

“Yes. The couple has mated and it is my hope their offspring will become our first direct contact with this species.”

Isthere an offspring?”

“At this time there are only cells, no consciousness, but I sensed an . . . an Essencewaiting to see if the cells become viable. If these do not, it will wait until one does.”

“Why did you choose to bring them back to their present?”

The Guardian looked down for an instant, the unfamiliar feeling of guilt rising. It was time for these facts to be known and studied beyond her. “I did not.”

“I do not understand. Are you saying you did not return them?”

“No, Elder. I have investigated the phenomena thoroughly. When my study did not reveal a way for this to have occurred, I prepared a report for the Elders. Before I could submit it, I was . . . contacted.”

“Contacted? By whom? By the entity that did return them?”

The Guardian nodded. “Yes. I hope the communication will continue. I am not able to direct it at this time.”

“Who are you in communication with, my daughter?”

“The Essence.”

Book 3 of The Guardian’s of Now Series is  A New Time