Second Christmas


Second Christmas is over and finally the decorations are coming down. My apologies to the neighbors, but it was grand fun. All outside decorations will be down soon. La Daughter was here for five days (fifty years too short but you have to adapt). The family came (except for El Son who came at 1st Christmas) and we had a grand time. The spicy rib-eye roast was cooked and devoured, presents were exchanged and laughter exploded all over.

Special news – my nephew and his partner will be getting married and we’re all delighted for them. I’ll have to find an aunt of the grooms outfit, but don’t have to worry about that today. I can lose 50 pounds easily by then. Hey, I write fiction, anything can happen!

But it is kind of nice to have the house back to myself. TV off, no music in the background, hubby still at work for now. And I’m writing, maybe not on one of the manuscripts I have under construction, but I am writing, so that’s something. Feels like ages since I had the time and spare brain power. Have a HCRW meeting tomorrow and nothing gets the juices flowing like being in a room with those people for any length of time. The atmosphere fairly crackles with inspiration.

‘Course these guys are pretty inspirational too. Miss them already.

4 thoughts on “Second Christmas

  1. Everything was great – the food and the company! If we can get all the kids back at the same time, we’ll do it again.


  2. Great post. Laughed at the 50 lbs by then comment. Can so relate. Great family picture. Saw Lynn’s albums on FB. Wonderful family you have there.

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