Hey it is almost Spring and the snow seems to be melting around here. Time to turn to warm thoughts and hands and other body parts . . . What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Spring! And we have some great prizes at the hop this time – a Kindle Fire, four different gift cards (one for $75) so be sure the check out the rafflecopter below. And leave me a comment for a chance at one of my small town romances – your choice.
Spring is a beautiful time of year and I’ve always loved it. Got married on April 15 (it was Easter that year, not tax day!) and it was lovely – pansies in the yard at the church, a Spring bouquet in my hands and marrying the best guy ever. Still married to him coming up on 35 years.
But then there was the honeymoon . . .
Now for the story – Eight weeks before the wedding we were in a car crash that broke my knee. I didn’t have to use crutches in the wedding (used Daddy and Hubby instead) but I couldn’t drive, couldn’t get “home” to make final decisions – so basically Momma got the wedding she’d never had. I wouldn’t have changed much, but I would have liked to have been involved. Of course there was the day my sister called to say Momma had fallen and sprained her ankle. That’s when I decided all the bridesmaids should have blue crutches to match their dresses. Fortunately that wasn’t necessary after all and having the broken leg did get me out of a receiving line!
Wedding went off without a hitch, I did not fall and we headed off to Bat’s Cave for our honeymoon. I kid you not, Bat’s Cave near Asheville, NC. We stayed in a log cabin that was beautiful and rustic and picturesque. Really wonderful, except . . .
We were the first to use it that season, it was only April so it hadn’t been aired out. That’s fine with me, what’s a little dust? What I didn’t know was that my new hubby was allergic to dust – and everything that blooms that time of year. Everything. The poor guy was stuffed up to the gills. I went on my honeymoon expecting a lot of heavy breathing and I got no breathing at all. It’s a wonder he didn’t die right then, not that I could have done much because remember, I’m still on crutches and couldn’t drive.
I remember when we got there we took the first load in (suitcases, some groceries) and then got involved in . . . well, we got involved in something and kind of forgot to go back for the second load. After it got dark we looked out and saw the car doors standing wide open and the dome light on as though we couldn’t get inside fast enough. Okay, that part was kinda true . . . Fortunately someone was close by to jump the battery.
Then there was that part where the pipes under the house burst because of the most recent freeze, so Hubby is crawling under the house fixing plumbing to the hot water heater, while I’m literally heating water on the stove to bathe in. And the next morning we jerk awake to construction next door – right next door loud and early! With the curtains open.
Boy it was a good thing we liked each other in addition to loving each other. A lot of things went very well on my honeymoon (obviously) but these are more fun to tell. Is it any wonder I write romance novels? And by the way, Fall is my favorite time of year.
Check out my small town romances (click on the picture of Homecoming). I do know my small towns! Leave a comment and I’ll give away a copy of one of them – your choice!
Be sure and enter!
Really, you couldn’t even get the second load out of the car. Horndogs! I guess any honeymoon that began a 35 year marriage has to be classified a success!
Honest we were exploring the place . . . but horndog might apply
Have planned the second honeymoon yet?
Well we did the cruise thing for our 25th and with that kind of accommodation, things were smoother. I’ll let you know what happens for the 35th!
It’s stories like this that give me hope! I am only 21 and going through a divorce. Congrats on heading into 35 years!
Thanks! Hope I helped, remember to keep laughing!
I was 42 when I married for the first time. I called in sick to work and Ed, his sister, our witness, eloped to a courthouse in Cutler Ridge, Fl then had lunch in the Redlands.
We remarried a few months later at my sisters house
and we are now going on 28 years. Ed is 89 and I am 70!
Keep laughing, it prolongs life.
Oh it does!! So glad you found him
Happy Spring!
Nice story
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Wow! Your writing style is so simple yet interesting. I really hope I get to READ some of your small town romances in future and get to know you better. I believe you are as interesting as a person as your stories seem to be.
Thanks so much – the college roommates are still not sure if I was this way when we lived together – LOL!
Thank you for sharing your story,… i’m sorry to hear all those things happened to you, but what a good story to tell lol. And hey, everything worked out in the end.
Thank you for having this giveaway! I hope you have a great weekend! =)
BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s great that your family supported you with everything, but I understand about the wedding—it was supposed to be your day, after all. But the honeymoon…oh, boy. I’m really not laughing. Not at all. Nope. Sorry about that.
How many can say they had an adventure of misfortunes on their honeymoon, right? (And still survive. Go, you two!) Congratulations on your upcoming 35th anniversary. 
Ah Brandi, Kanoko – We learned to laugh early. He’ll always be my best friend, the first one I want to tell something. So many things I couldn’t put in the story – LOL!!