Release Day for Working Christmas

When Angie learns her firm is giving everyone a week off at Christmas, she’s devastated. She needed to work, to keep from thinking about her lack of relationship and family. Now she’s on her own for the holidays.

Kurt won’t be able to make it home to North Carolina for Christmas this year. He’s low man on the totem pole at his firm, but he’ll make it work.

Now where did this unforecasted blizzard come from?



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Excerpt –

In no hurry, Angie let others ahead of her as she wandered the store, picking her choices as she was inspired by a display or craving. She noted people coming in with snow on their shoulders and hair, but didn’t give it much thought. She was only three blocks from home.

Checking out, she had two canvas bags worth of food. The oranges were the heaviest, so she slid that bag up onto her shoulder and glanced at the door. Her jaw dropped. No way. She hadn’t been here an hour, but the streets were covered, not to mention the sidewalks.

Why hadn’t she checked the weather forecast before venturing out? She was dressed warmly enough, hopefully, but she owned better boots for walking in this. No help for it now. Winding her scarf around her head and throat—she hadn’t even slipped on a hat—she headed outside.

Walking was already hazardous, but she kept her eye on her feet. People on the sidewalks had already thinned out, staying indoors in this mess. Angie couldn’t blame them, it was where she would be if not for this shopping run. She should have done this earlier rather than moping around.


Kurt was a big man, and able to navigate the terrain, but even he was being pushed by some of the gusts that came from between buildings. The weathermen hadn’t called this one and he’d picked up no hint himself.

Something caused him to glance around, stopping on the sidewalk as others, annoyed, shoved around him. Swiveling toward the street, he spotted what was going to happen. That was his gift, analyzing what was coming. He was good at it.

The cab was moving too fast for conditions, and the woman wasn’t looking up at all, watching her footing on the increasingly bad sidewalk.

No time to think—just act. Racing across the street, ignoring the horns that blew at his presumptuousness, he picked up speed. Tackling the woman, he threw both of them into snow-covered bushes as the cab slammed into the building she had just passed.


Also check out my other Christmas novellas –


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