Politics aside, think about the implications of global warming. So many things could go wrong. Of course there’s the flooding, the harsher and more frequent storms, the droughts . . . But I went a different way. What if something in those glaciers thawed out – something deadly?
Okay, that’s the premise – how do you handle life after civilization ends? How do you handle the people who believe it’s just a blip on their calendars? If only a precious few can survive, how do you pick who it should be for the best chance to reestablish society? And can love and family survive; even thrive in such an environment?
It has to change you, being a survivor in such a wide-spread catastrophe, but what if it changes you more that you realized?
The Infection is the first book in The Melting Series. David Morrow and Amanda Stevens meet at a dull party and escape. Neither expects to have met “the one” just as neither could even suspect how their world will turn upside down shortly. Can their skills make them part of the new civilization?
Please join me in exploring these questions and meet the ones who survive . . .
Barnes & Nobles
As part of this release, I’ll be giving away a copy (maybe a couple!) of The Infection and some swag – just leave me a comment below – no need to make it complicated. I so hope you enjoy!
My thanks to Swagmaster for the beautiful bookmarks –
Hi Donna,
Every night I still go to your X File fanfic page and read at least one story. (I’m in the middle of Unknown Lives right now). I do miss looking forward to a new Scully & Mulder stories like in the old days but now I can look forward to this new series.
Hi Donna,
Every night I still go to your X File fanfic page and read at least one story. (I’m in the middle of Unknown Lives right now). I do miss looking forward to a new Scully & Mulder stories like in the old days but now I can look forward to this new series.
LOL! That’s why I left them up, Pat – I still like to go back myself.
Best of luck with the new series. It has a fascinating premise.
Thanks so much!
Thanks! It did intrigue me!
Sounds great. Good luck with the entire series.
Thank you!
I want to read this!
Go for it Victoria!!
Okay, I’ll dive into another series, but only because I know you’ll deliver the rest…
And I *love* your stories!!!
I promise! #2 is already with my editor.
It sounds intriguing! I’d love to read it. It sounds like something that would promote some lively discussions with some of my friends. I’m sure the “anti” group would deny any possibility that things like this could happen as well.
I know, that’s why I’m trying not to be political This is more medical thriller – LOL!!
Okay, I’ll start another series, but only because it’s yours, and I know you’ll deliver the whole thing and not leave me hanging. You know I love your stories.
Congratulations on the release of The Infection! The Melting series sounds intriguing. I have added it to my TBR list. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Love those TBRs!!
Congratulations on the release of The Infection! The Melting series sounds intriguing. I have put it on my TBR list. Thanks for the great giveaway.
So happy for you!! Happy Release Day!!
Thanks so much!!
So proud of you – you go girl!
I can’t wait to get some time to read this! you are amazing, Donna!
Hi Donna, Congratulations on your release
Thanks so much!
This is a great series. I love a good love story in the midst of chaos and loss. I’m most intrigued by who survives and the choices that are made.
Donna I love how this series begins. I always want a love story and for me science fiction was a strange place to look. But you have woven everything together so nicely. I love in this one who lives and why some are chosen.
Happy Release Day. I love the blurb for the story line. Post Apocalyptic is hot right now. You’ll be getting a movie deal on this one.
Thanks so much! It’s been a great release day – sorry for some of the glitches on the comments area!
Thanks Eden – from your lips!
Didn’t realize everything was going to spam today – but I found it and thank you all again for commenting!! The things I don’t know about computers…..