My good friend Cyn Hadyn has not one but TWO books coming out in May – Null Sanction and Off Track – be sure to check them out and learn a little more about Cyn herself!
What made you want to start writing? I’ve always written, but not in the romance genre. I wrote history which, as you know, doesn’t permit fudging the facts to fit your story line.
When did you start writing? I started writing in 2011, a year before I retired as the Command Historian for Marine Special Operations Command. I’d work at night and over my lunch hour and, honestly, my stories had better endings than the history I was dealing with.
Who inspires you? People who are willing to put their life on the line to keep little ol’ me safe. Servicemen and women, police, firefighters, etc. I especially am inspired by the way they continue to do so without expecting a pat or the back or a kind word from the ungrateful people they rescue.
I have my favorite Paranormal authors and Historical Romance authors, but I am truly inspired by anyone who has the gumption to start with a blank computer screen and keep at it until they can type “The End” several thousand words later, and then stick with it to pick it all apart in the editing process so it becomes the best book they’ve written.
I’m also inspired by authors who take the time to drop their own works in progress to help a struggling writer. My Romance Writers of America Chapter, TARA, or Tampa Area Romance Writers, abounds with senior, published authors who will gladly help out a writer who can’t seem to figure out what the problem is with her current work.
What do you do when you have writer’s block? I step away from the computer. I may spend a day, a week, or several weeks just mulling things over and letting my mind go in free association. My dreams also seem to suggest solutions. I just know that, suddenly, I have exactly the right word, phrase, or direction to take things.
Who knows you best? Does anyone really know anyone? For writing I’d have to say you, Donna Steele, because you let me whine over the phone, and you know you can do the same with me.
There is also our mutual friend, Bette Franken, who lets us both whine a little and then tells us how it’s going to be. (So true, that! DS)
What do you do when you’re not writing? Read, read, read, and read. I love reading, and the more diverse the subject the better. I want to be the sole survivor trapped in the New York Public Library during the apocalypse.
Where is a place that makes you feel “at home”? Thanks to my Hungarian ancestry, I have a gypsy’s short roots. I’ve lived in PA, NC, NJ, FL, CA, MD, CO, GA, and NY and still haven’t found the one place that says home to me, but I am a nester. Wherever I happen to be living, I take great care to make that place as comfortably soothing as I can.
When has there been a time where you were put to your limits? Yes, twice. Not pleasant, and not something I will take a chance on having a repeat of by talking about it.
How do you wind down? A glass of wine or scotch and a good conversation with a friend.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you meet? My true soulmate. Since that hasn’t happened, I’d have to go with Winston Churchill. As to meeting place, in his underground bunker during WW II. I’ve always admired Winston’s vocal penchant for not suffering fools overlong in his presence.
Buylinks – Amazon
Bio – I’m a transplanted Yankee of Hun-Viking ancestry now residing in Florida. I write paranormal and historical with a paranormal twist. You can visit my author page on Facebook or Amazon to learn more about me.
A few more titles to check out (click on the cover for more info) –
To paraphrase a quote from Jewel of the Nile, “Are we blogging, Just Joan?”
Yep – going for it!
Love it!! Fun to be mentioned!
Hey, you keep us straight!