Meet Michelle Lowhorn

michellelowhornOkay, Michelle, what’s the earliest story you can remember writing?

I was in the fifth grade and I wrote a mystery.  It wasn’t very long but I was so proud of it.

What inspired you to write the current release?

Teachers always say, “I should write a book about all the crazy/funny things kids do.”  I was at camp with my students and a story started to form about a teacher who witnesses a murder while at camp.  The story continued to circulate through my brain until I felt like I had to attempt to write the story.  I fiddled with it over summer break and then set it aside until winter break.  When I started working on the story again, it became an obsession to finish it.  Once I finished book 1, ideas for the second book started to form and so I wrote that book also.

What book are you reading now?

Whenever I feel sad or stressed, I pull out one of my favorite Julie Garwood books and reread it.  I’m feeling stressed about the release of my first book, so I just finished The Secret and I’m now starting Ransom.  I’ve probably read them a dozen times.

What are your current projects?

I just finished book 3 in the series.  My plan was to take a few weeks off from writing but book 4 has already started to form in my mind and I’ll probably start writing it soon.

How important is the support and friendship of other writers?

I’ve found that many of the Rebel Ink Press authors have been very supportive and helpful.  When I have a question or ask for help, they’re quick to reply and offer advice.

How does your family feel about your writing career?

My family and friends have been very supportive.  My husband has been giving me the same pep-talk for the last 2 months.  He’s worried that I’ll get my feelings hurt if someone says something negative.

Say a factoid about yourself that we don’t know.

All of the main female characters have some of my personality quirks.  I exaggerate them and then make fun of myself.

 Michelle told me, “I’ve always said that I’ve got the two best jobs in the world, mother and teacher.  Now I can add a third, romance author.  My husband, Randy, and I live in Texas with our two teenagers, Jessie & Nate.  When I’m not teaching or writing, you can bet I’ve got my nose in a book.  I’ve got a serious addiction to reading all genres of romance novels.   Becoming an author is a dream come true.”

I know how that feels!  Take a look at Schooled, her premiere novel –

Schooled Book 1 in The Teacher Series

buy link –Amazon


Feisty fourth grade teacher Emmelynne Johnson is fiercely independent and has a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush.  While hiking at an area national park, she finds herself lost and alone.  Just when she thinks she’s found her way, she unknowingly witnesses a brutal murder sanctioned by a local crime boss.schooled

Colt Christianson, homicide detective for the Fort Worth Police Department, is known for his dedication and willingness to do whatever necessary to solve crimes.  Still grieving for his late partner, Colt is called to investigate a murder that has connections to his partner’s death.

When the killers attempt to silence the only witness, the detective switches roles to become her protector.  Together they’ll be forced to fight two battles, one against the killers and one against their burgeoning mutual attraction.



“This is my police car, not my personal vehicle.  I spend a lot of time in this car and I end up eating most of my meals sitting in this very seat.  I don’t know the last time it was washed because it isn’t my job to wash the car.  I solve crimes for a living.  I’m not in charge of maintenance.  If it would make you feel better, I can ask my superior for the name of the person who’s responsible for the upkeep on the vehicles.  Maybe you can chew him out.”

“I certainly doubt the city would pay for a worker who only washed cars.  That would be a complete waste of public funds.  My guess is the rest of the police force takes pride in their vehicles and cleans them out once in a while.  Based on the condition of your car, I’m not confident you’re competent to solve this crime.”  Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she turned to the front of the car and ignored the detective.

Taking a deep breath, he dropped it in gear and backed out of the drive.  “My car may not win any beauty pageants, but it’s comfortable and functional.  That’s all that matters.  Would you please give me the address of where I can drop you?  I hope its close by.”

Now she’d done it.  For some unknown reason, she always rubbed people the wrong way.  She really didn’t try to piss people off but she just couldn’t control what flew out of her mouth.

“They warned me that you were a handful but I had no idea,” the detective commented a short time later.  “And here’s a thought, how on earth can you be a teacher when your vocabulary would make a sailor blush?”


4 thoughts on “Meet Michelle Lowhorn

  1. Congratulations and best of luck Michelle.. Blurb sounds wonderful getting me on two weaknesses, suspense and romance. I look forward to reading it.

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