Author of the Month

Wow! Author of the Month!

Please stop by!

1) Your Journey as an Author…..I have always written, even before I realized that’s what I was doing. I wrote my first novel (which will never see the light of day) at the age of sixteen. When I stumbled upon fanfiction for the X-Files I knew I was home, and wrote those stories for ten years before getting up the courage to submit one of my “real” stories to an actual publisher. Science Fiction and Paranormal have always drawn me-there are no limits to where you can go! My nineteenth book – Another Time (the first in the Guardians of Time Series) is in the final edit stage with Soul Mate Publishing. The second in the series is proceeding.

2) What reading means to you…..Reading is the escape from the real world for me. As an introvert shoved into an extrovert position before I retired, I was always exhausted. Reading (or listening to a book during my commute) kept me sane and grounded. I love that the possibilities are endless – new worlds, history, heroes, even monsters and always heroines to take me away.

3) Whats next for you…..More books. The first sequel to Another Time is well underway; I also have a shifter trilogy in process. The first book is finished and the second and third are shaping up. Since I retired and now write full time the floodgates have opened!

Coming December 10 – Moe’s Christmas


2016 – One for the Books

It’s been one for the record books (and I won’t be discussing politics at all in this post!) Wish I could say it’s been all writing and editing and getting even more ideas.

It hasn’t. But it has been busy.

First we put the house up for sale in February and started downsizing for the move to a condo – no more acre for mowing, gutters to clean, or half hour drives to buy groceries. box es 3 bedroom 081116

Hubby retired the end of March, which added a whole new dimension to living together. I had another job ready-that pesky writing thing, but he’s still exploring things and he truly deserves this time.

Then in April we contracted on our condo, with a move-in date of October. That’s when the downsizing really started. Two full trucks of furniture to Rehab for Humanity, along with dishes and glasses and linens. Clothes that we hadn’t bothered to get rid of before went out, as well as boxes we hadn’t unpacked since the last move 14 years ago.

And books, that was the hardest, getting rid of books I’d already read and wouldn’t have room for in the smaller place. I found them good homes but it was still heartrending to see them go.

apartmentWe moved to a one-bedroom apartment temporarily the first of August. Fortunately Hubby and I really like each other, but still two rooms after a fairly large house has been challenging. One TV, and nowhere to really escape each other.

Oh and there was the wedding. Yep, my son and his bride got married in August in Cancun. I’d never been to Cancun, had no idea how hot the place is in August, but that aside, the wedding was beautiful, we saw old friends and some family got to attend. I do like all inclusive resorts (that include alcohol!)  bride-and-groom

Now the condo builder wants to move the closing back again – another month’s rent and storage?? Come on, the place is completed. The one beside it already occupied! Discovered today that a refrigerator is not part of the package, we’d already bought the stove so we committed debt again and got a really nice frig, we just weren’t expecting to have to buy one.

condo-1-052916Still hope to be in by November 30 (we want earlier!! Please!) so we’d appreciate any crossed fingers, good thoughts, whatever ya got!

Then I’ll get back to writing full time . . .final-cover-another-time

Excerpt from Rth Rising

While Rth Rising is on sale for $.99 (through October 5) thought I’d share this excerpt with you . . . Rth Rising final by RS 103115 copy


Excerpt from Rth Rising – 

Head turned as Kat entered and watched her admire the trophy. He assessed her silently. She was strong, fairly tall for a woman here on New Home, nearly 1.75 meters. Her pedigree was of the finest; third generation here, with strong genes from Rth. She wore her blonde hair long, pulled back in a braid, perfectly regulation. Her green eyes were steady and calm. She exuded strength and confidence.

He’d watched her since before she came under his supervision, helped her when her da was killed so suddenly. She didn’t socialize with many enforcers. He found that he approved of that. Some enforcers needed that interaction to function at their best. That wasn’t true of her. She spent more time with her family and her oldest friends and she was the better for it.

He motioned for her to move to his desk. She was agile, moving like the animal of her name and was probably the best enforcer he supervised. Kat used her abilities to see beyond the job into aspects that most enforcers either didn’t realize were important or discounted. It made her superior and kept her in Head’s sights. Besides, he liked the woman, respected her. She stood in front of his desk, her back straight, her hands clasped behind her. The uniform fit her perfectly, high-waist pants in light gray with a light blue stripe up the legs that matched the sweater. The short jacket partially covered the utility belt she wore, which held her packet containing her discs, ID and backup weapon. Her primary weapon was inside the jacket under her left arm where she could take hold of it easily. The small light blue stripes at her shoulders reminded him of epaulets from older uniforms in pictures he had seen from Rth.

She was one of the reasons they had colonized here; her and others like her—intelligent, healthy, someone to carry on the human race with dignity.

But not her.

He knew that Puter had determined she wasn’t to breed. That seemed to be happening more and more with each class as they were assigned their training. Puter decided the optimum population and apparently they had reached it. Only replacements were needed. People normally lived to be around seventy here, their health, their genes superior. Not as long as on Rth, but the gravity here was slightly higher. At least that was what he’d been taught in school. Head was in no position to contradict it. Puter, theoretically, had more information than he did. Puter ran things; that was the way everyone wanted it.

It wasn’t his place to question why genes that had been so superior on Rth were so watered down after such a short period that they were destined to be lost from the planet.

Head looked her up and down, then nodded to himself. This was the right decision. “I’m lending you to Thirdport.”


Don’t forget, the story continues in Rth Claimed – Rth Claimed by RS 011416

Meet Rose Lange

Rose, tell us about yourself.

My name is Rose Lange, and I write spicy, contemporary romance. I currently have two books published with Soulmate Publishing, and am working on revisions for a third. I have too many to count in the pipelines, just waiting to be written!

Tell us about the book that’s just come out.  OnAGamble400

On A Gamble is my second book, and it grew from one line I’ve had saved for over fourteen years, “You’re a woman.” I thought it was a wonderful opening line, and knew I would use it someday. The story somehow found me, and after my first came out, I brainstormed an idea centered around that one line. I began thinking about it, and knew I had to give my heroine a male name. I had such fun writing this story, and fooling my hero because Charlie turns out to be a female. An idea for a story was born. You just never know where a story idea may come from, and that’s half the fun! I’ve had stories grow from songs, bits of dialogue or conversation I hear. Anyplace. And I never know where it will happen.

What started your love of writing.

I’ve always been an avid reader since I was young, and it continued up to this point. I still devour books every chance I get. My love of writing began when I was fourteen, and I’d just finished reading my first romance novel. I thought to myself, I could do that. So, with a notebook, a pen, and an idea, I began. I still have those first attempts, and awful as they are, I’m happy I at least attempted. It’s stuck with me ever since. I’m a word addict for life now and can’t see myself ever quitting.  Gracie's-Plan-Final-(med)-copy

Do you write in more than one genre-tell us a little about each one and the books you’re working on in each.

Currently, I’m mainly doing contemporary, although I have thought about someday doing a historical or a time travel romance. Either of those I think sound like a lot of fun to write, but currently I have another contemporary in the revision stages, and several more books that need to be written. My next one after my third will be a spicy, fun, and sexy Christmas romance which has a pretty good head start.

Have you attended any writing conferences or classes. Tell us about that and some that have been especially helpful.

I have attended two local Wisconsin conferences, and the networking, the classes, and just the atmosphere and camaraderie, gets you inspired and charged up to write. I took an online class on Deep Editing with Margie Lawson, and found that to be extremely helpful. The tips she teaches you can carry over to every project, and help those scenes pop to life. I enjoy learning my craft, and it only helps me become a stronger writer. I don’t plan to ever stop learning.

Are you a member of any writing groups?

Not currently any physically, in person groups, as my schedule hasn’t allowed, but I do engage with several writers online, where we can bounce ideas, thoughts, gripes, etc. off each other. And have an amazing, and supportive critique partner I interact with via email. I do have a couple writer friends I like to see as often as our schedules allow, and have dinner, and talk writing with.

How attached do you get to your characters? Do you know what happens after the book ends?

I get very attached to my characters, and have a difficult time to detaching myself. For example, my previous two novels I spent around three to three and half years writing, editing, revising, pitching, and going under contract and the whole process repeats, so yes, I get attached to them. It’s as if they’re real people, at least they are in my own mind. I feel like they are living, breathing, actual people, like I could go get a cup of coffee with or have lunch with. When it’s time to start a new book, there is a transition period of a few days, to a couple weeks, before I can begin something new. And then, the entire process repeats all over again, but I thoroughly enjoy what I do.

I do write epilogues for each of my books, so I do know what happens and I like to know what they’re up after the HEA. And I like to hope, and think my readers will feel the same way.

Describe your perfect writing day.

Peace, quiet, a few or more hours to myself, a cup of coffee, a few Hershey kisses, my muse flowing, and me in my Writing Cave. This is my ideal writing day, and when my son starts school up again in the fall, these will be my mornings. I do have a day job, so I miss out on some afternoons, but overall I’ve managed to find a good balance between family, writing, and work life.

Could you tell us one question you wish people would ask about your writing and don’t forget the answer.

What drives you to write?  What drives me to write. It’s a lot of things. What jump started me to write again, after an eight year hiatus, is when I got pregnant with my son. Ever since, I have managed to squeeze in writing time, because I realized if I didn’t, it would never get done. What still drives me to write? Once I opened the floodgates, story ideas kept coming in. I’m not able to turn the “faucet off” so to speak, because the more stories I tell, the more want to come out. It’s hard to explain, but it’s something I just have to do. I can’t not write. The need to get the characters, the story out, feels good. I feel good when I’m writing. It is my drug of choice, and I never want to get off.


Rose Lange

Rose Lange has been in love with the written word since she was little. At fourteen, a Julia Quinn novel inspired her to try writing her own. She lives in Southeastern Wisconsin where she was born, raised, and currently lives with her family.

She writes spicy, contemporary romance, and is a member of Romance Writer’s of America (RWA).

She’s a Clark Gable girl, addicted to reading, chocolate, shopping,  Pinterest (her latest vice), and watching old movies from the 40s and 50s. She watched Gone With the Wind once when she was five, and has been hooked on romantic stories since.

Connect with Rose via Facebook, Twitter, or email, she loves hearing from readers!