Christmas Decorating ’17

We’re overdoing it this year. Since we didn’t get to do any decorating last year, not even a tree, I pulled out all the stops this time.  

We don’t have a mantle any more, but we made it work. We’re using my antique dresser now – it came out of the barn after the house fire when Momma was 5, so we’re taking 1924 and it was old then. It was constructed with no nails, only pegs, and works perfectly.

We have two trees – one green and filled with my ornaments, and one metal with strictly round ornaments. Believe me, we have enough ornaments to fill both. And I love being able to display my fairies again.


It’s fun finding new locations for our Santas and the tree, and making new memories. But I do have pics of the old locations. Great memories. No wonder I love writing those Christmas novellas every year! What are your traditions – must have decorations out each year?


Cassie’s Life-Book 10


Ask Cassie about her life on the river and she’ll tell you it’s lovely and peaceful. But while Cassie loves the life she lives, peaceful is not always an accurate description. Whether she’s confronting an armed man who’s in a drunken rage, planning a friend’s wedding or dealing with a ghost in a backwoods lodge, Cassie is going to deal with it the best way she knows how. And peaceful doesn’t always work.

When a mysterious phone call comes for Cassandra Wentworth – Cassie’s past is suddenly back to haunt her in a devastating way. Tom has always said nothing from before the time they met counts, but he didn’t know about this. Sue, Annie, Allie and Jenny are all willing to help, but will it be enough?

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The next morning, however, did not start off to my liking. I was sleeping peacefully in this wonderful, warm, comfortable bed when at seven ten, seven ten in the morning, mind you when I was ripped from my sleep as Tom tore the covers from me and started in on my behind with his favorite alternate use of his slipper.

I boiled up out of the bed with a multitude of unladylike things to say. I managed to contain my language to just, “What in the Sam hills do you think you are doing?”

Tom was grinning at me and said, “Come on darlin’ we’re burning daylight!”

Burning daylight? Was he crazy? I was dopey, sleepy, grumpy and probably several other dwarfs so I just let him have it.

I was fussing about him waking me at the crack of dawn on our first day of vacation, stealing the covers, spanking me for no reason… I was letting him have it. I alternated shaking my finger at him and having my hands on my hips as I fussed. He was still looking at me grinning and not seeming to be listening to a thing I was saying, when he said, “Cassie, you are so beautiful.”

I’m sure that was meant to sound romantic, but I could see in the mirror behind him and to say I was not looking my best was truly an understatement. I was quickly pulling on one of my old robes, which was probably not my prettiest when it was new. My hair was plastered to my head on one side and sticking up on the other. Now with the artistic application of make-up I can look presentable in most any setting but of course I had on no make-up and with the sun streaming in I fully looked my age. I started to snap at him for making fun of the way I looked since he had just snatched me from sleep, but as I looked at him closely I could tell the man was completely serious. What is it about love that can allow him to look at me in that state and still think I’m beautiful? His smile and his sweet talk quickly changed my mood.

“Get dressed, let’s go to breakfast,” he told me.

I looked at my sweet man feeling a mixture of love and exasperation. Slipping my robe back off I crawled across the bed to him and began unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m not quite ready to get out of bed just yet. Why don’t you join me and we’ll get brunch later? Tom and I make a great couple, he may be the boss, but I have great powers of persuasion.


Other books by PK Corey:

Cassie’s Space (book one)

Cassie’s Tale (book two)

Cassie on the Move (book three)

Cassie’s River Living (book four)

Cassie’s Conflict (book five)

Cassie’s Influence (book six)

Cassie’s Ordeal (book seven)

Cassie Corralled (book eight)

Cassie’s Road Trip (book nine)

Cal’s Law (book one)

Becoming Family (book two)

All of PK Corey’s books within her series are written as stand-alone books. Jump in anywhere.

Meet PK Corey

The love of writing came to me late in life and I spent time trying to fit writing into a busy schedule. Recently I retired, the kids are out and on their own and my wonderful husband encourages me to spend more time exploring the world of writing.

I always hear you should write what you want to read, so I have. I write loving domestic discipline with the stress on ‘loving’. I want a strong man who cherishes the woman he loves and is willing to go to any length to keep her safe and protected.

My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free spirited ways Tom is determination to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. My new series, Cal’s Law, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.

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Release Day for Working Christmas

When Angie learns her firm is giving everyone a week off at Christmas, she’s devastated. She needed to work, to keep from thinking about her lack of relationship and family. Now she’s on her own for the holidays.

Kurt won’t be able to make it home to North Carolina for Christmas this year. He’s low man on the totem pole at his firm, but he’ll make it work.

Now where did this unforecasted blizzard come from?



AmazoniBooks, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo

Excerpt –

In no hurry, Angie let others ahead of her as she wandered the store, picking her choices as she was inspired by a display or craving. She noted people coming in with snow on their shoulders and hair, but didn’t give it much thought. She was only three blocks from home.

Checking out, she had two canvas bags worth of food. The oranges were the heaviest, so she slid that bag up onto her shoulder and glanced at the door. Her jaw dropped. No way. She hadn’t been here an hour, but the streets were covered, not to mention the sidewalks.

Why hadn’t she checked the weather forecast before venturing out? She was dressed warmly enough, hopefully, but she owned better boots for walking in this. No help for it now. Winding her scarf around her head and throat—she hadn’t even slipped on a hat—she headed outside.

Walking was already hazardous, but she kept her eye on her feet. People on the sidewalks had already thinned out, staying indoors in this mess. Angie couldn’t blame them, it was where she would be if not for this shopping run. She should have done this earlier rather than moping around.


Kurt was a big man, and able to navigate the terrain, but even he was being pushed by some of the gusts that came from between buildings. The weathermen hadn’t called this one and he’d picked up no hint himself.

Something caused him to glance around, stopping on the sidewalk as others, annoyed, shoved around him. Swiveling toward the street, he spotted what was going to happen. That was his gift, analyzing what was coming. He was good at it.

The cab was moving too fast for conditions, and the woman wasn’t looking up at all, watching her footing on the increasingly bad sidewalk.

No time to think—just act. Racing across the street, ignoring the horns that blew at his presumptuousness, he picked up speed. Tackling the woman, he threw both of them into snow-covered bushes as the cab slammed into the building she had just passed.


Also check out my other Christmas novellas –


Cover Reveal – Working Christmas!

It’s that time of year! My new Christmas novella-Working Christmas-will release on November 15!

It’s not going to be a festive holiday. Angie hasn’t even bothered to decorate. She’ll be alone and that’s fine. She can catch up on work and ignore that life’s going on around her.

Kurt can’t get home this year. He’s low man on the totem pole at work. It might be a little lonely, but not that big a deal. Until he sees the collision that might just change his life.

Hey, it looks like it’s going to be a white Christmas at least.


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