Release Day for A Different Time

It’s here! Book Two in the Guardians of Now Series – A Different Time. 


Dusty and Dee are back in the present but what a different present it is! They’d had no plans to change the future when they found themselves in 1891, but then they hadn’t planned to travel to 1891 in the first place. And they don’t know how or why they’re back…


Excerpt –


The Guardian rose as she felt the presence of the Elder approaching. It was unprecedented for an Elder to seek her out in her personal chambers. For an instant, apprehension touched her. Had her secret been uncovered before she could make a report?


The Guardian bowed, then straightened her flesh colored robe and faced her mentor. “You honor me with your presence. How may I be of assistance?”

“I am here for a report on your project.”

An Elder came toherfor a report? Did the Elder know of the contact the Guardian had received?

“Of course. Please sit. Refreshments?”

With a wave of her hand the Elder declined both.

“Is there anything specific you would wish to know?” A stall tactic, for the Guardian realized the time to reveal all had come.

“I have seen the change in you, Daughter. Others have discussed this new vitality you possess. Is it caused by this project?”

“Yes, Elder. I am honored you would seek me out. These humans I now study . . . excite me.”

The Elder’s eyebrow rose but she waited.

“They are a young species, maturing at an accelerated, nearly fantastic rate. There have been missteps and backward slides. I believe it is why I was assigned to watch and if necessary, assist them. After observing many of their generations, I located a pair of humans who appeared to be a step above the others in terms of evolution.”

The Elder listened with interest in her eyes. “We were apprised of your plan to remove the pair from their time stream in an attempt to repair some of those missteps.”

“Yes, and the plan was approved. Shall I continue?”

The Elder inclined her head.

“The couple, a male and a female, relocated to a strategic time and place in their society’s past and the planet itself has benefited from the changes they instigated. The atmosphere and water are cleaner, and the health of the populace has improved from the resulting modifications.”

“There was talk of an evolutionary step.”

“Yes. The couple has mated. It is my hope their offspring will become our first direct contact with this species.”

Isthere an offspring?”

“At this time there are only cells, no consciousness. I sensed an . . . an Essence waiting to see if the cells become viable. If these do not, it will wait until one does.”

“Why did you choose to bring them back to their present?”

The Guardian looked down for an instant, the unfamiliar feeling of guilt rising. It was time for these facts to be known and studied beyond her. “I did not.”

“I do not understand. Are you saying you did not return them?”

“No, Elder. I have investigated the phenomena thoroughly. When my study did not reveal a way for this to have occurred, I prepared a report for the Elders. Before I could submit it, I was . . . contacted.”

“Contacted? By whom? By the entity that did return them?”

The Guardian nodded. “Yes. I hope the communication will continue. I am not able to direct it at this time.”

“Who are you in communication with, my daughter?”

“The Essence.”


For the beginning of Dusty and Dee’s tale check out Another Time – Book One of the Guardians of Now Series. (FREE 6/19-23!!)

Getting Back on Track

That sounds like I went on a wild binge. I didn’t.

What I did do was host my three-year-old grandson for a week. I now fully understand why young people have babies instead of older ones. I adore that boy. I would throw myself in front of a train to protect him, but wow had I forgotten what three-year-olds are like. Where the heck does all that energy come from?? 

They’re smaller, they should have less stamina. It’s not fair!

We had a wonderful time. He woke up in a great mood every morning. I admit was I was little concerned he’d be homesick but that didn’t happen. He was fine and content to be with us, mostly with his “best buddy, Granddar” but he tolerated me as well.

We did things every day – swimming three different times, a trip to the Children’s Museum here in town (that I didn’t know existed prior to his visit), even a shopping trip to Lowe’s. He was cool with it all – even meeting my roommate relatives and playing with their grandkids. When we were home we played with his Dad’s old toys and watched some videos.

I miss him already and want to do it again – after I get some more gym time in. You need to train for that kind of thing. Maybe in a couple of months . . .


June Already?

I know, I know, just can’t believe it.  It’s a big month for me!

A Different Time – Book Two of the Guardians of Now series launches June 20 – and you can pre-order it here!

And Soul Mate Publishing will be putting Another Time – Book One of the Guardians of Now  on sale to celebrate the launch. Whoo hoo! Another TIme will be FREE fromJune 19-23!!!

I’ll be hosting a Rafflecopter giveaway in it’s honor as well – you could win a $10 Amazon card or a truly funky watch, because, hey it’s all about time.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


CONGRATULATIONS to Samantha M and Jen P for winning the giveaway!


AND I’m playing over at The Romance Reviews all month – lots of giveaways and prizes there, so stop by.

Book three – A New Time is well underway and well as getting my Rebel Ink titles re-edited, re-covered and back up ASAP! Have you see the new covers yet? And more on the way!


Feeling Overwhelmed

I’m using you guys to decompress…

Working under deadline, which is my job and I love it, and that is manageable. It’s the other stuff that’s taking me under. I will make the deadline to get A Different Time out in June!!

Received word yesterday that my uncle, someone so alive and still busy, died while snorkeling during a Disney cruise. He was 83 and obviously not finished. No word on arrangements because of the autopsy, so his body is still out of the country. Disney made arrangements for my aunt to come home. We’re a close family and all are shaken. Have talked and emailed cousins all over the country.

I’m also in charge of programming for my local RWA chapter. That already takes me outside of my comfort zone – remember, writer, introvert. We’re working on our all day conference in October and finally found a venue (who knew so many people got married in October!) and have the speakers-incredible ones that I love-but working with budgets and logistics are not my thing.

A dear friend just moved here, only a couple of minutes away and I’ve been helping her move in and unpack. Reinforces that I ain’t never gonna move again!! I’m too old for this s**t. I’d love to be more help, but see above.

Also, sadly Rebel Ink Press is closing its doors the end of June, so all of my titles are reverting to me. That means I have to re-edit them and in some cases get new covers, etc. to get them back on-line and available. They were so classy about the closing, notifying us six months in advance, but that time has flown. They were the ones who took a chance on a new author and got me going in this strange new career. I’ll miss them.


Thanks guys, I needed this…