April Again?

Already? I still have glitter around from New Year’s Eve, but yeah it’s here and once again my birthday is rolling around.

Forget the number and celebrate with me. Because I like to share the fun, I’ve put Book 1 of The Melting Series on sale this month – The Infection!

It feels less like sci fi every year, but I think it’s a good story, at least a timely one, so come on over and enjoy it with me.

Some of you might remember it’s also my anniversary month and that number I’m proud to share – 40 years this year with my best friend and lover! Who’da thought it!! We have a very special trip planned and I’ll have lots of pics in an upcoming newsletter to share with you.

Here in North Carolina the sun has finally reappeared. I think the April showers started last September and have continued until today. There’s no drought being foretold by any of the weather people around here.

Be on the lookout for A New Time, the 3rd in the Guardians of Now series. Hope to have a cover reveal soon for you.

All three of The Conall Clan books are out and, since these guys really drew me in, a fourth book is with my editor now. Didn’t see that coming but hey, I’m not complaining.



Hope you’re enjoying Spring where you are with the snow and cold gone, and can spend some time relaxing and reading when spring fever hits you! Stop by and visit any time!

So you don’t miss anything, please sign up for my newsletter, and follow me at Bookbub!

Just discovered the cover of Family Ties is up for cover of the month at All Author! I’d love your vote!




New Release – Lifemates!

The third book of The Conall Clan is now available. This is Wesley’s story, cousin to Lou and Brent and the reason Megan was even in Sweetwater, North Carolina to start the saga.

No mating, even lifemating is simple, but when Wesley discovers who his lifemate is, there’s more than a little angst. Clarissa?? Won’t Lou love that…

Come check out the Conall Clan and be aware, books 4 and 5 will be coming soon!

Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks


Clarissa Johnson might be the sister of a Territory Alpha but she’s always been a wild child and rumors abound. One is true, she was banished from Lou Conall’s territory. With that hanging over her how can she function has her brother’s matriarch, or even show her face in shifter society.

Wesley Conall, a detective in Chicago, is only going home to see his cousin and Alpha, Lou in the formal mating ceremony to the woman Wesley sent to Sweetwater for protection. He plans to kick back and enjoy seeing old friends and spending time with family.

Plans are what fall apart when life happens.


Books 1 and 2 – Don’t Look Back and Family Ties also available at most eBook outlets!


February is for Lovers

Valentine’s, the day for lovers. Well, now it is anyway – Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D.  

Not especially romantic but whatever. Like I said, now it’s for lovers. We won’t have the candy hearts with the messages on them this year (though I hear they’ll be back next year). The company that made them – Necco – filed for bankruptcy. Those hearts have been with us since 1866, so I hope they do come back.

But for me, as some of you already know, Valentine’s Day was Daddy’s birthday. He would have been 96 this year. He always celebrated by giving away gifts on his birthday. He loved those really old fashioned cards and searched for them and chocolate covered Brazil nuts every year for Momma. Sis and I got the smaller red heart boxes of candy. 


This year I’m celebrating with the release of the second book in the Conall Clan series – Family Ties and holding a Rafflecopter giveaway.


Book two continues with the Conall family, this time centering on Brent, Beta to Lou’s Alpha.

Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter and check out this new series. Book three – Life Mates, will release on March 1. But I don’t think that will be the end of the story with this family . . .

Click on the covers for more information!

New from PK Corey!

Returning to Us  

After thirty-five years, Susan thought her marriage was over the morning after their last child’s wedding. Hal, her husband, said he needed to talk about something important. She knew it couldn’t be good. They rarely even spoke anymore. In the beginning they’d been so close, so passionate. Practicing domestic discipline had been a wonderful part of their lives—sometimes.

But over the years it had all drifted away, even when Susan asked for what she needed. He would occasionally give her a mild, sexy spanking, but the real discipline she craved was a thing of the past. Now, Hal suddenly wanted to talk about moving to Colorado to live in Corbin’s Bend, a community where spanking was not only accepted, but encouraged. Could this bring back the closeness and passion they’d once had? Could Susan trust that this time Hal would truly step up?


Excerpt –

Quincy waited until they both had a mug of coffee, then she sat at the table. She seemed to be waiting for Susan to speak. Finally, Susan said, “How have you been, Quincy?”

“I’m fine,” she stated. “However, it seems you’ve gone underground. I never see you out anymore. You’ve been here a while now. How are things going with you?”

“Fine with me too. I’m busy and haven’t been getting out as much, but everything’s fine,” Susan insisted.

Quincy didn’t look convinced, she looked concerned. Susan felt the urge to run. If Quincy said something kind or sweet, she would break down. She could feel the slight burning in her eyes, warning of tears.

No! she told herself fiercely. She sipped her coffee and forced a smile to her face.
Her mentor wasn’t having it. “Please tell me what’s bothering you. Maybe I can help.” “Nothing’s wrong. Hal’s very happy. He’s…”

“I didn’t ask about Hal. I asked about you.”

It wasn’t going to work. She wasn’t going to be able to hold the tears back.

“Hal is happy. Corbin’s Bend is wonderful. It’s full of spankos, fun for all. It’s fucking awesome!” Susan concluded, bursting into tears.

Quincy said nothing. She reached for a box of tissues and placed it on the table and let Susan cry.

Finally, Susan spoke again. “I wish we’d never come here. I thought he’d stick to it with all these spanking role models. But it’s just the same, except now everyone else has what I want. It’s worse than being alone with my needs.”

“Has Hal stopped spanking you?”

“Oh no, he spanks me every time he wants sex.”

Quincy said nothing, letting the words hang in the air.

“You know the outside world would view us all as odd balls, Quincy. And now I feel like the odd ball within the group. Most women here would love what I have. I only get spanked for fun or for sex. Who wouldn’t love that?” Susan snapped.

“You,” Quincy answered.


Author Bio –  

After spending thirty-six years in two careers I liked just fine, I’ve finally found my dream career as a writer. I’ve been happily married for thirty-five-years and my sweet husband has gotten used to the unique experience of living with a writer. He is very encouraging and an excellent editor when he’s pressed into service.

I’ve been intrigued by spanking stories since before I first saw Ricky spank Lucy. Stories of this nature were hard to come by before the Internet and the ones I found were a little harsh on discipline and very much lacking in love. So, I made up my own stories and enjoyed these in my head for years. I finally began writing them down. Although the lovely women in my stories are spanked often, the love between them and their men takes top priority.

My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free-spirited ways, Tom is determined to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. And with her friend Sue by her side and all they get into, a trip over his knee is very likely. My new series, Cal’s Law, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.

I love my husband, my kids, my cats, reading, writing and hearing from my readers. You can contact me at pk.corey@yahoo.com

PK Corey’s Reading Room



Amazon Author page

Check out the Cassie Series and the Cal’s Law Series as well –


Click on the covers for more information.