Premiere Western from Jo-Ann Roberts

How can a single unexpected kiss, a forced wedding, and a missing groom lead two strangers to discover how love can heal their wounded hearts?

Having to carve out a life on her own as a midwife, the last person Lessie MacKenzie expected to see on her doorstep was her missing husband…the injured Yankee she was forced to marry, who disappeared the next day, and whose kiss still lingered on her lips

Eli MacKenzie wanted only one thing after the Civil War…to establish his medical practice in New Hope, Kansas. His dream turned to despair when he discovered someone sold his property. And that someone appeared to be the woman who haunted his every dream the past two years…and now claimed to be his wife!

Brought together by chance and united by their desire to forge a future, will a secret from Lessie’s past threatens to destroy their new found love?

Buy link – Amazon

Excerpt –

Eli followed the woman’s gaze. A dozen or more hats, bonnets, lace gloves, and shawls edged with fringe stared back at him. This can’t be my property!He stepped back and read the scrolled lettering on the sign above the doorway—Thompson’s Fine Millinery. Pulling the map from his back pocket, he smoothed the creases with his fingers. He counted the number of businesses from the corner. The town appeared to be growing, and he was glad of it, but something didn’t add up. He stepped off the boardwalk into the street. “One, two, three, four,” he counted again. By this time, the group of women had moved on, still chattering and still leaving him bewildered. He charged up onto the planked boardwalk and jiggled the knob.

“Ain’t nobody there, sonny,” a voiced called out behind him. “Those Thompson gals done went up to Kansas City last week. Gone shoppin’ for more geegaws . . . or somethin’.”

“This is my property!” he barked, trying to release some of the frustration. He took in a great gulp of air and looked at the man.

The wizened face of the old man broke into a gap-toothed smile. “No, it ain’t.”

Raking a hand through his hair, Eli slapped his hat back and forth against a muscled thigh, creating a puff of brown dust. “Where is the sheriff’s office?”

The man raised a bony finger and pointed in the general direction of the saloon. “Just past the Rhinestone. It ain’t gonna do you no good, sonny. Sheriff Fuller headed out just after breakfast. He’s bringing one of the Mitchell boys to the sheriff in Lecompton. I s’pect he be back, oh, say suppertime, thereabouts.”

Since the old man appeared to know much of the goings-on in New Hope, Eli asked, “Who else might be able to help me?”

The man scratched a spot just above his temple and pursed his lips. “You might want to try Pennington’s over yonder. Maudie and ol’Abner been here since ’49. They was on the way to Californy to git gold. Wagon done broke, and Maude decided she weren’t goin’ no further. They know jist about everyone and everything goin’ on in town.”

Eli thanked the man and strode across the dusty street at a quick pace, taking the steps to the mercantile two at a time. The bell above the door jangled merrily as he entered the store, whose interior was only slightly cooler than the outside. Two men sat by an open window, playing a game of checkers, each contemplating his next move.

A woman, who was as wide as she was tall, came from behind a long wood-hewn counter. With her dark hair peppered with gray, Eli surmised she was on the shy side of fifty years old.

“Good morning,” she chirped happily, her bright blue eyes full of warmth, and he thought, a hint of mischief, “I’m Maude Pennington.” She put forth her hand. “Can I help you find something?”

“Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Pennington. I’m Eli MacKenzie, and I need some—”

“Eli MacKenzie!”  she cried, pulling him into a fierce hug. “Praise be to God you’ve come home!” Releasing him, she raised her hands to the heavens in thanksgiving. “Lessie has been praying for your safe return . . . and that boy of yours . . . oh my, what a blessing!”

Eli felt as though the wind had been knocked out of him. He certainly didn’t recall anyone by the name of Lessie or siring a child. He was certain thatwas something he would have remembered. “Mrs. Pennington, I think there’s . . .”

Maude Pennington waved a dismissive, ink-stained hand to stop him. “Call me Maude,” she insisted. “Wait right here.” She let loose with a high-pitched wail. “Abb-ner!” she cried, dragging out the first syllable. “Abb-ner!”

Heavy footsteps pounded on the floor above, and then on the stairs. A man, as tall and thin as Maude was short and round, stooped when he reached the lintel of the staircase opening. Over six feet tall, Abner Pennington easily matched him in height, but Eli guessed he had a good thirty pounds or more on the rail-thin storekeeper.

“Lord-a-mercy, woman, stop yer caterwaulin’! Yer screaming could pop the pennies off a dead man’s eyes!”

Despite his growing annoyance, Eli lifted the corners of his mouth into a grin when Abner Pennington stood next to his wife. The proprietors of the mercantile reminded him of the nursery rhyme, Jack Spratt.

“It’s him,” Maude said simply.

“Him? Who?” Abner looked questioningly from his wife to the customers in the store.

Maude gave Abner a less-than-gentle shove in Eli’s direction, “Eli . . . Eli MacKenzie . . . Lessie’s husband!”

Husband!Eli’s stomach pitched. The word implied he was married, yet he had no memory of a wedding. Or a wedding night.

Abner’s bushy eyebrows shot up, and a wide grin split his face. “Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you, son,” he acknowledged, grabbing Eli’s hand and pumping it up and down several times. “I’ll wager Lessie is mighty glad to have you home.”

Eli shook his head. The flush of embarrassment crept up his neck and seared his face. “I . . . uh . . . came straight from the station,” he admitted, and then without preamble asked, “Is that property next to the Sentinel—

“Oh, you know Lessie done sold that building to the Thompson twins a week after moving here,” Maude informed him airily. “She said you both wanted a bigger place outside of town. Then she up and bought the Sadler farm, lock, stock, and barrel. She’s a treasure, that Lessie.”

Sold his property? Eli’s anger was fast approaching its zenith. How had this woman-Lessie apparently was her name—sold the property without a copy of the deed? Not to mention, how could she have afforded to buy a farm?

“And a real hard worker,” put in Abner. “Most of the harvest in front of the store came from your place.”

Behind him, a man’s voice added, “Though she’s a mite tall, she ain’t hard to look at neither.”

Surprisingly annoyed that some other man found his wifeattractive, Eli turned in the direction of the man and tamped down the urge to knock him in the nose for the sneer on his mouth. Instead, he found himself looking at a half dozen customers gathered near the counter. Apparently, they had long ago given up any pretense of shopping and now were listening outright to every word.

Playing along with the game he suddenly found himself in, Eli asked, “Abner, if you could give me directions, I’ll be on my way to see my . . . my family,” Eli said, again surprised that he felt an odd sort of pleasure saying the words.

“I’ll do better than that, son. I’ll come with you,” Abner offered.

Eli held up a hand to stop him. “I appreciate your offer, Abner, but, well, it’s been a while since we, uh . . .” he began, and then noticed the unidentified man—the one who found his wife appealing—eyeing him suspiciously.

“Where are you from, mister?”

The little gathering pressed forward as one, waiting for Eli’s answer. “Back East.”

Instant recognition registered on Abner’s face. “Lord-a-mercy!” he breathed. “Lessie’s done married herself a Yankee!”

With the war two years past, the animosities between the North and the South persisted still, especially here in Kansas. “We were married before the war.” Priding himself for being an upright man, he wondered how he could lie so easily to protect this woman who had sold his dream out from under him.

Grabbing Abner’s crudely drawn map scrawled onto the back of his now useless deed, Eli wasted no time in getting to the livery. He secured a team and wagon, then retrieved his trunks from the stationmaster. Though the tendency to drive as though the hounds of Hades were nipping at his heels, he reasoned a logical approach would be best. Getting there quicker wasn’t going to change the outcome. Drew’s dream, now his dream was gone, but he’d gained a wife. A wife who he couldn’t remember marrying. Picking up the reins, he released the brake and made a clucking sound with his tongue.

When Eli arrived at the second bend in the road, the homestead in question came into view. It was the place where he’d glimpsed the smiling woman and child waving at the train. The woman paused at the top step, shielding her eyes with one hand.

There was something strangely familiar about her sturdy frame and the halo of curling tendrils framing her oval face. As he drove closer, Eli was hit full force with the sudden realization. She was the woman who haunted his dreams and sustained his spirit through those terrible days in a Confederate prison. And now, somehow, she was his wife!

He pulled the wagon to a stop in front of the porch. The woman, with one hand resting between her throat and her heart and her other hand inside an apron pocket, stepped away from the house. She stared at him with wide amber-colored eyes as though he was a specter from beyond the grave.

“Mrs. MacKenzie, your husband is home.”

Bio –

Born and raised in western Massachusetts, Jo-Ann Roberts was fascinated by America’s Old West  and always felt she was destined to travel on a wagon train following the Oregon Trail. With her love of history and reading, she began reading historical romance during high school and college. Victoria Holt, Jude Deveraux, and Roseanne Bittner were among her favorites. Influenced by her father, she fell in love with John Wayne, James Garner, and her all-time favorite, James Stewart and grew up watching Wagon Train, Bonanza and Rawhide.

A firm believer in HEA with a healthy dose of realism, Jo-Ann strives to give her readers a sweet historical romance while imparting carefully researched historical facts, personalities, and experiences relative to the time period. Her romances take her readers back to a simpler time to escape the stress of modern life by living in a small town where families and friends help one another find love and happiness.

When she isn’t creating believable plots and relatable heroes and heroines, Jo-Ann enjoys spending time with her husband, children and grandson. She also enjoys baking, quilting and eating way too much chocolate.

After 38 years in public education in Connecticut and Maryland, she’s now calls North Carolina home. She is a member of  Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina RWA, and the 2018 Winner (Historical Category) of NEORWA’s Cleveland Rocks Romance Contest.

Nancy Lee Badger’s latest – Rescuing Christmas

Multi-published and award-winning author, Nancy Lee Badger, presents a sweet romance set in Vermont filled with sights, sounds, great characters, small town comforts, and a fire department fundraiser in danger of cancelation due to a lack of snow. A love of New England, where Nancy raised her family, combined with her years as an EMT, Firefighter, and 911 Dispatcher, helped create the ideas that bring this story to life.  Available October 15!

Blurb –

A Manhattan businessman on a December vacation to Canada, is stuck in Boston due to a snowstorm. Instead of waiting for another flight, he drives through the Vermont woods. Forced off the road, his rental ends up in a pond. When a firefighter sliding down the muddy slope to help him slams into him instead, his papers go flying and his phone disappears. Before he can complain, his mud-covered rescuer in firefighting bunker gear is a woman!

After a fire, her injured dad heads to the hospital and hands responsibility for the fire department to her. As acting Fire Chief, Elinor Danville offers the stranded stranger a ride. When she drops him at the Peabody Inn, Ellie explains that Snowflake Valley has no rental cars, taxis, or 5-star hotels Something about this suit-wearing rich guy grates on her nerves, but intrigues her. Unfortunately, her responsibilities include the upcoming Christmas Festival. The lack of snow could ruin everything.

Stuck in Snowflake Valley for several days, Bradley is swept up in the people, their volunteerism, their problems, and commitment to see that the Christmas Festival goes on no matter what. His interest in the town and a pretty firefighter makes Bradley come up with a few ideas of his own. By rescuing Christmas for Elinor and the townspeople, can he make her truly see him, and not the suited businessman only interested in going home?



“Where are you headed, Elinor?”

“To check on the fire house to make sure everything is set for tonight’s potluck supper.”

Bradley leaned in the open passenger window. “You will find the entire building cleaned and swept.”

She chuckled. “I guess you and the other auxiliary members worked your magic?”

“Yes, we did. I hope tonight goes well.”

“You will come, won’t you?”

He glanced down the street, wondering what she expected him to say. “I don’t cook. I’ll make sure a monetary contribution is dropped off, but—”

She threw the truck in park and opened the driver’s door. Stepping out, she walked around the hood and stopped beside him. Settling her palms on his cheeks, he couldn’t help but flinch. Her hands were cold, but the fragrance filling him made his nostrils flare and his mouth water.

“Bradley, you are part of this community even if you decide to leave tomorrow. The auxiliary is putting on this spread so you are expected to attend. I will make sure they put you in charge of the coffee urns. Okay?” She smiled at him.

He nodded. He couldn’t speak, since his mouth had gone dry. Her smile brightened his day and the urge to kiss her made his body react, but all he could do was lick his lips. He vowed not to make a move on her again. If she wanted him, it was up to her to kiss him.

“Where are you headed?” She tapped his laptop satchel.

Realizing she had changed the subject, or simply ignored how close together they stood, he said, “Well, I had planned to get some work done while eating a fresh out of the oven muffin and some brewed coffee, but someone interrupted my early morning ritual. Now I need to find some place with Wi-Fi.”

“The coast is clear, if you want to head back to the bookstore, but I just picked up a dozen of those muffins and the coffee urn is percolating at this very moment inside the fire house. Want a ride?”

As she climbed back into the truck cab, he was torn.

“Oh, we have Wi-Fi, too.”

That settled it. He opened the door, climbed into the passenger seat, and placed his satchel on the floor.

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Author Bio

Nancy Lee Badger grew up in Huntington on New York’s Long Island. After attending Plymouth State, in New Hampshire, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree and met and married her college sweetheart. They raised two handsome sons in Rumney, New Hampshire, where Nancy volunteered as an EMT and firefighter while working full-time. When the children had left the nest, and shoveling snow became a chore, she retired from her satisfying job as a 911 Emergency Medical Dispatcher and moved to North Carolina, where she writes full-time. She and family volunteer every fall at the NH Highland Games.

Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers. She loves to travel with her husband and is never far from her laptop. She finds story ideas in the most unusual places. Connect withher here:

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PK Corey’s latest – Searching for Home

Searching for Home

Fourth in the Cal’s Law seriesf

Jenny is happily married to her strong, gorgeous sheriff. She has greatfriends and a good job. But life is never perfect is it? Within a short time, she and Cal have to move from the home they rent, need to move in with his parents and receive life-changing news from her mother’s lawyer. Jenny’s friend and boss, Allie, has her share of problems too – money woes, grabby clients and burglaries near her work.

When they try to keep their worries from their protective husbands, they find out what it means to have an alpha man to deal with. After the girls are attacked at work, things seem to go from bad to worse. Taking on adult responsibilities is never easy as they’re finding out the hard way. Good thing they have their older friends, Cassie, Sue, Annie and Lily to fall back on.

Amazon,  Blushing Books


The bastard had followed her! He’d come into her own home! The utter fury she’d felt since that morning seemed to surge into Allie’s right arm and she rounded on him. “You son-of-a-bitch! I’ll kick your ass!” she shouted as her fist plowed into his face so hard, he went down. With her right leg raised for a well-aimed kick, she heard Ryan shout, “Stop, stop! It’s me!”

“What’s happening?” came a shout from the other end of the house. With adrenalin still surging, Allie tried to refocus. She knelt down next to Ryan, helping him sit up.

He had his hands pressed to his face as he let out a loud, “Ow!”

Allie heard someone shout, “What’s going on? Who’s here?” Then another shout, “Allie, are you okay?”

She looked up to see Cassie and Sue charging down the hall. Cassie was in the lead, but it was Sue who was holding Allie’s cast iron frying pan above her head.

“What happened? Is he still here?” Cassie was demanding, shouting above the music. Allie, ignoring her mother-in-law, was hovering over Ryan. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” “Stop!” shouted Ryan above the din. “Allie, turn off the damn music,” he commanded, and she hurried to comply.

She came back quickly and knelt beside Ryan as silence filled the house.

“What happened?” Cassie asked for the third time. “Did someone break in? They’re not still here, are they?”
Ryan got to his feet. “Sue, will you put that damn thing down before you kill somebody?” Sue lowered the frying pan but still looked around warily.

“I guess I should be glad Allie wasn’t holding it,” Ryan said.
Allie gently pulled his arm down from his face so she could see the damage. It was bad.

His eye was swelling fast and she could see the angry-looking red skin that would eventually develop into a serious black eye.

You did this?” Cassie asked Allie in a stunned voice .

Meet PK Corey

After spending thirty-six years in two careers I liked just fine, I’ve finally found my dream career as a writer. I’ve been happily married for thirty-six-years and my sweet husband has gotten used to the unique experience of living with a writer. He is very encouraging and an excellent editor when he’s pressed into service.

I’ve been intrigued by spanking stories since before I first saw Ricky spank Lucy. Stories of this nature were hard to come by before the Internet and the ones I found were a little harsh on discipline and very much lacking in love. So, I made up my own stories and enjoyed these in my head for years. I finally began writing them down. Although the lovely women in my stories are spanked often, the love between them and their men takes top priority.

My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free-spirited ways, Tom is determined to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. And with her friend Sue by her side and all they get into, a trip over his knee is very likely. My Cal’s Law series, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.

I love my husband, my kids, my cats, reading, writing and hearing from my readers. You can contact me at

Twitter    Instagram,   Amazon,   PK Corey’s Reading Room

Other books in the series are below, click on the cover for more information –


C. L. Hadyn’s latest – Fall Back – Golden Hours Book 1

The first book in a two-book series is now available. Follow Chief Petty Officer Calder Reade as he attempts to make sense of why, after being shot while practicing to be a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman he is rescuing pick pockets and former Royal Marine sergeants in the middle of England’s war with Napoleon rather than pushing up daisies in a VA cemetery.


Chief Petty Officer Calder Reede gets shot while serving an apprenticeship in a modern ER, and travels through time to 19thcentury England. His best guess is he was sent back to be a physician who can make a difference by using modern methods. But what if he’s wrong?  If not a physician, then what? Perhaps the sorceress grandmother of the Chinese apothecary he just met will have the answer.

If you’d like to get a free ARC for a review, there are a limited amount available – Booksprout


As Calder Reade waited for the nurse to finish cutting the patient’s bloody T-shirt away, the ER continued to maintain its status of controlled chaos. At the nurse’s nod, he moved forward and began what he liked to call the Golden Hour dance to keep the teen gang member alive long enough to give the surgeons upstairs a fighting chance.

One more week remained of his internship at St. Petersburg’s West Bay Medical Center trauma ward, and Chief Petty Officer Reade could call himself a fully certified Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman.

But for the present he would concentrate on searching for the source of his patient’s bleeding, as he tuned out the usual cacophony surrounding his bay.

C’mon, c’mon, stop hiding from me, you little bleeder. I can fix you if I can find you. Not bothering to lift his eyes from his patient’s chest, he said, “I need more—”

The ER nurse gave him the suction before he could complete the sentence.

Since his surgical mask hid his grin of appreciation, he winked at her. The slow wink the nurse returned told him he’d be getting some after their shift.

Ah-ha, got you! Now hold on and let me work my magic. Keeping his focus in the ER was a damn sight easier than in combat. No whistles of in-coming RPG rounds or the staccato beat of machine guns to break his concentration on his patient. He only needed to hear the nurses calling out vitals and the prompts from his supervisory doctor. When Doctor Feinstein’s bellowed a warning of “Gun,” he looked up and, in a blink his world went from clamping the bleeder closed before the kid bled out, to a searing pain blossoming across his back. He had the fleeting, crazy thought a mule kicked him. Whatever the cause, his focus strayed from his patient, and he gasped an apology as he fell across his body.

Before his vision went haywire and the ER disappeared entirely, Chief Petty Officer Reade asked himself another of his favorite what-if questions. What if he forgot to wear his body armor to the ER and got shot by a rival gang member on a retribution mission? 



 C. L. Hadyn aka Cyn Hadyn, a career historian with Hungarian/Viking nomadic roots, loads up the gypsy wagon for the last time (hopefully) and heads to Greensboro, North Carolina, to follow her delusion of becoming a New York Times best-selling author. Yeah, sounds silly but it’s true. I’m a transplanted Yankee living way south of the Mason-Dixon Line despite its lack of decent Italian food. Uh, concerning the Italian food, I’d still sacrifice a small digit for authentic Italian cuisine a la Philly, Trenton, or New York.

Before settling down to write full time in the land of ‘bless your heart, and y’all’, I was a Special Operations (US Army and US Marines) military historian/archivist. Now I collect a retirement check and write paranormal, and historical romance. I guess my service with Army and Marine Special Operations left an indelible impression on my writing, because my characters, both male and female, are distinctly Spec Ops in their outlook.  They leave no man behind, color outside the lines, and are very, very lethal. I’ve also pushed the envelope a little by including Erotica and BDSM and M/M romance. Which brings me to my latest books: Golden Hours Book 1: Fall Back; Off Track; The Danegeld, and Guarded Hearts, published by Decadent Publishing under the pseudonym C. L. Hadyn.

If you have a taste for the paranormal, historical romance, or something more outre’, I would love to hear from you via Hadyn or C. L. Hadyn.