We Need to Celebrate

Doing a litte giveaway for Christmas – just leave a comment below for a chance at a $10 Amazon card or a copy of Christmas Cookies!

I hope some traditions can continue for you this year. If you’ve been wracking your brain on what to get me this year, I’d love a review. Pick your favorite of my books and do a short one (I think Amazon wants 9 words – LOL!!)

We’ve already started decorating. We’re getting a live tree this year. Wanted the scent of Christmas to permeate the place to dispell whatever’s left of 2020. My Santa collection will be front and center this year – they always raise my spirit and I can remember when I got them which adds to the fun.



A New Secret – Book 6 in The Conall Clan will be coming out in January. A previously unknown relative joins the clan and has to earn his place. Cover reveal soon!! Sign up for my newsletter for more info.

There’s still time to read some great Christmas stuff out there – and add them to that new eReader from Santa!


And mine are available as well


Hope it’s a jolly holiday for you even if different this year. Indulge yourself a little and I’ll see you in 2021!

Final Supernatural Superlatives

Well apparently Supernatural Superlatives is no more, but I wanted to share my last blog with you anyway. Happy Thanksgiving…

We made it through November! Not a bad month overall. There was a Friday the 13th, but since that’s my lucky day (no one else was using it) I had a great time!


There’s lots of other paranormal things you can attribute to November as well. I didn’t know about some of these, but I find them very very cool! I’ll be checking out the links when I get a minute

November 2, 1957: The Levelland UFO Case: Texans Including Fire Chief and Sheriff See Egg-Shaped UFO

November 3, 1954: Godzilla, The Greatest Movie Monster of All Time is Born!

November 12, 1933: The First Known Photograph of the Loch Ness Monster

November 13, 1974: The REAL Amityville Horror!

November 16, 1974: Humans Attempt to Communicate With Aliens

November 23, 1953: UFO Captures US Fighter Jet! (Kinross Incident)

November 26, 1476: Vlad the Impaler Becomes Leader of Wallachia

I’ve written a short novella for an anthology with other members of Heart of the Carolinas Romance Writers  (HCRW) that will come out next year. My contribution is about the Brown Mountain Lights so I hope you’ll look for it.

Hope you have a fabuluous if different Thanksgiving, just stay safe!!! And see you in December.  And be sure to read some spooky….


TBR Scifi Fantasy Week and Giveaway

We’re having a big party and you’re all invited.

There are 12 posts during the week. Each comment will be 1 entry for the prize of the Amazon Fire 7 tablet or a $50 Amazon gift card!

There are three chances to win a free copy of Hazardous to the Touch!

Here’s the schedule:

September 23rd9am

Scifi Fantasy Week Introduction post

Prize One: $20 Amazon gift card
Prize Two: $5 Evernight gift card

September 24th9am

Lisa Oliver Post (Illuminate)

Prize One: $10 Amazon gift card
Prize Two: Handsome Men Blow by James Cox
Illuminate by Lisa Oliver
       Sex, Gunpowder and Saving the Day by James Cox
       So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock
Prize Three: Gentleman Brother series by James Cox

September 24th5pm

The Eight Lies We Tell Each Other by Christine Kirchoff

Prize One: $20 Amazon card
Prize Two: Sassing Saul by Gail Koger
          Lie to Me by Christine Kirchoff
          So long Earth by Michael Bienenstock

September 25th9am

The Cum Crisis of Neverland by James Cox

Prize One: $20 Amazon card
Prize Two: Worth it by Lisa Oliver
          With Tongue and Teeth by James Cox
          The Dick Defender by James Cox
          So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock

September 25th5pm

Arresting The Warlord by Gail Koger

Prize One: $5 Evenight card
Prize Two: Protected by Christine DePetrillo
           Caged by Amy Johnson
           Lie to me by Christine Kirchoff
           So Long Earth by Michael Bienenestock
Prize Three: Other world series by James Cox

September 26th – 9am

Worth It by Lisa Oliver

Prize One: $5 Evernight card
Prize Two: Kinddom Cum by James Cox
            So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock
            Handsome Men Blow by James Cox
Prize Three: Gentleman Brothers Series by James Cox

September 26th5pm

Her Cyborg Lover by Anne Kane

Prize One: $10 Amazon card
Prize Two: Agartha by Jaylee Austin
       Caged by Amy Johnson
       Hazardous to the Touch by Donna Steele
       So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock
Prize Three: Other world Series by James Cox

September 27th9am

Agartha by Jaylee Austin

Prize One: $10 Amazon card
Prize Two: Caged by Amy Johnson
        The Cupan of Fluirse by ML Foxx
        Blue Vision by Marie Lavender
        So Long Earch by Michael Bienenstock
Prize Three: Hazardous to the Touch by Donna Steele
        Her Cyborg Lover by Anne Kane
        Lie to Me by Christine Kirchoff
        So long Earth by Michael Bienestock

September 27th5pm

Handsome Men Blow by James Cox

Prize One: $10 Amazon card
Prize Two: Gentlemen Brothers series by James Cox

September 28th8am

Today is Tomorrows Past by Keri Kruspe

Prize One: $10 Amazon Card
Prize Two: Daemons are Forever by Suzy Shearer
        Hazardous to the Touch by Donna Steele
        Rescued by the Cyborg by Jessica Smith
        So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock
Prize Three: Otherworld series by James Cox

Septermber 28th5pm

So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock

Prize One: $10 Amazon card
Prize two: Lie to me by Christine Kirchoff
         So Long Earth by Michael Bienenstock

September 28th8pm

The Dick Defender by James Cox

Prize One: $10 Amazon Card
Prize Two: The Gentlemen brothers series by James Cox

September 29th8am

Ending post

Prize One: Fire 7 Tablet
Prize Two: $50 Amazon card

September 30th – (No specific time)

Debut Author Linda Tiffin!

Linda’s debut novel – Love by Design – is out today!

Amazon, iBooks, B&N, Kobo

You are going to be new to many of my readers. Tell us about yourself.

As a child and teenager, I was always reading and writing stories. Give me a pad and a pen, and I start putting something down on the paper. I was twelve years old when I read my first adult novel. It was Window On The Square by Phyllis Whitney. My mother gave it to me because I read so much, and she thought I was ready. That was the gun going off and I couldn’t read books fast enough. I loved mysteries and romances. I read constantly. When I was a mom, I even hid a book in the blankets that covered my legs at my children’s soccer games so I could read during the game. If my side of the field clapped, I clapped, but I had no idea what was happening. I never go anywhere without having a book in my purse as well as a pad and a pen to jot down an idea that might come to me that will make a great story. I enjoy writing romance with touches of suspense and hope that those that read them are entertained too.

Tell us about the book that’s just come out.

Love by Design is the first book in a four-book series. This is a contemporary romance with a hint of mystery and suspense. I love books with twists and turns and this book has several. I write what I’d enjoy reading. It seems others do too since my friends who are my sounding boards loved this book. The best compliment that I received was from my closest friend who was supposed to be reading for typos when she said, “I’m sorry, I’ve given up looking for typos, I don’t have time. I need to read this to see what happens.” That made me chuckle. I’m hoping that everyone enjoys this book as much as she did. The second book in this series is Designer’s Desire which will be coming out soon.

What started you on your love of writing?

For as long as I can remember, I have written stories. I wrote my first full length book as a freshman in high school on a standard Royal Typewriter. At the time, I didn’t know what to do with it, so it ended up in a box. By the time I hit 30 I had at least three boxes of these manuscripts. Periodically as I grew older, I would submit one to Harlequin Romances. They always commented positively on my storytelling, but everything else needed work. Finally, after all these years, I’ve managed to correct everything else!

Do you write in more than one genre – tell us a little about each one and the books you’re working on in each.

I write mostly contemporary romances in present day times. However, I have dabbled in historical romances as well as a couple of paranormal books. I even have a children’s book. It took me a while to find what I excelled in the best.

Designers Desire is the next book in my series. In this book my main character’s past comes barreling into newly built life, putting everyone she knows in danger. It’s a question of will she fight back this time or run as she did last time.

Have you attended any writing conference or classes? Tell us about some that and some that have been especially helpful.

Today, there are so many online classes out there, for nominal fees, that it’s crazy not to take advantage of them. Also, numerous writing groups are out there in most communities, who have presentations and welcome all new and established writers. I have participated in online classes as well as in person presentations by a number of well-known authors who were willing to share their craft. At every one of these presentations, I learned valuable information. No matter how old you get or how experienced you are, there is always room for growth.

Are you a member of any writing groups?

I’m a long-time member of Romance Writers of America and also Heart of Carolina Romance Writers. I find the most advantageous thing about these groups is the opportunity to meet with other authors. Having coffee after meetings when you can speak one on one with more established authors has been very rewarding. I find romance writers to be extremely willing to share and assist budding new writers as well as those who have been around for some time. You can’t put a price on those moments – they ‘re the best!

How attached do you get to your characters? Do you know what happens after the book ends?

I’m totally attached. I think that’s why authors write series. They can continue with those characters they’ve grown to love, even though they’re more in the background. Someone else from the background has stepped forward to be front and center. But the point is, they are still there and still moving forward. I think readers like the familiarity of series’ characters. It’s like they can see old friends as well as meet new ones.

Describe your ‘perfect’ writing day.

Believe it or not, I like cold mornings. I like to have a large cup of flavored coffee sitting on my desk so I can smell the hazelnut flavor wafting in the air. It inspires me to write. I don’t like a lot of distractions, so if the house is quiet, I can get into my zone. Once there, you can make all the noise you want, I hear nothing. I can get so focused the only thing that brings me back to earth is I want another cup of coffee or nature calling. Even then it sometimes is hard to take a break. Most writers I know who are on a roll, hate to break that momentum. The same is true for me.

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Linda spent most of her childhood and teenage years living in small towns in Upstate New York. She met her husband, Joel, while selling advertising for a local newspaper. He likes to say that he bought the whole package. They lived in a small resort town in the Finger Lakes and raised two boys, Dave and Rich, into dynamic young men. They have two lovely daughters in laws, Wendy and Tracy. And are blessed with four fascinating grandchildren. North Carolina has been her home for nearly thirty years. She and her husband were fortunate enough to have their children follow and settle in the same area. Writing is something Linda has done all her life, but now she finally has time to pursue it to her heart’s content.