
I write strong heroines and I’m not entirely sure where they come from. My heroes are handsome, strong and secure in their manhood. Maybe that’s why they’re not intimidated by my heroines. The women are more equal partners than someone to be coddled – of course the men may not understand that in the beginning and I don’t mind that they have to be taught.

I know Daddy had a big part to play in all of that. He was the first man to see my strength and allow me to use it. He never expressed that, but he nurtured it and gave me the safety to grow into it.

Looking back at my stories and pieces of stories, there’s always that strong father-figure to ground my heroine, whether or not she understands or knows what’s happening. To allow someone to soar is an incredible gift.

Some heroes don’t look the part, but they’re the true adults in our lives who handle all the hard stuff that has to be done. They’re the ones everyone looks to when bad things happen because they are the adults. I had Daddy when I desperately needed him and was lucky enough to marry one as well.

My heroines  will continue to grow into their strength, but they’ll have these wonderful men in their lives to share the journey with them.

This is my first hero –


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One thought on “Heroes

  1. Nice tribute to your dad and husband, Donna. The real heroes are some times the average everyday people that we do not always think of as heroes.

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