Happy Birthday To Me!

birthday cake

I’m not going to tell you which one this is, but it’s one of those milestone numbers so I’m celebrating. And what better way than to give away some books? It’s super easy to get in this contest – leave me a comment!  Two lucky winners will receive their choice of my books.

I feel like it took me a long time to get down to business with my writing, but maybe not. I’m mature enough now to write with some real world experience behind me and I’m much better at taking criticism from my editor. I have more time with the kids out on their own (at least until I get some grandkids), and the house doesn’t take nearly the time with just the two of us here.

Finally finding a group of writers like RWA and my own Hearts of the Carolinas has been a wonderful growth experience. I’ve often said, just being in the room with these people is inspiring. On more than one occasion I’ve gotten a new idea just sitting there and had to jot down notes immediately. They are all accessible and a real hoot when they get going. I admit to feeling like a fan girl sometimes, sitting quietly over to one side absorbing. These extremely successful and popular writers know my name! How wild is that?

If you’re a writer, or a budding writer, or a dipping-your-toe in-writer, I have some sage advice – do it. Just write. If it’s not perfect, that’s what editing is all about. Get it out of your head and down on paper (or on the computer). If you’re my age – go ahead, if you’re younger – what are you waiting for? You’ll catch up with me soon enough.

Thanks for celebrating with me. Keep on reading and remember to leave a comment!

Outstanding senior

My senior college  picture – again, no dates <g>




15 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me!

    • A great day for it! Was Easter on the actual day of my birth, so I get to celebrate several times (got married on Easter too!)

  1. Top of the Morning Donna,


    Best wishes, Terry

  2. I know the number, let me tell, let me tell! Oh well, you to that age where you probably forgot the number anyway. Love your writing – always have. Looking forward to the newest. Happy Birthday!

  3. And now here is my offering,
    though just a bit belated;
    here’s hoping this birthday was ‘the best’
    You have ever celebrated!

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