Happy 2020!

Taking a short moment to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I hope 2019 was all you wanted and that 2020 will be even better!

2019 was a good year for me and a lot of that was due to you guys, reading and checking out my books—the best year I’ve ever had for selling my stories and I want to thank you!

To celebrate the 3rd book in the Rth Rising series, and my 30th book Rth Home, I’m giving away 3 giftcards to Amazon – enter here for a chance!    Rafflecopter

For 2020 I already know of two releases, both in the science fiction realm. The third and last book in the Rth Rising Series mentioned above will release on February 1- Rth Home. And on April 15 (not tax day in my mind, but my 41st wedding anniversary!!) A New Time – the third and last book in the Guardians of Now Series will release. I know that Rth Home will be on Booksprout with some ARC copies available for review if you’d like a free read!

Don’t have the cover for A New Time yet, but here’s Rth Home.

Rth Rising will be on sale the month of January to get you started on the series!

Please be careful in your holiday travels, indulge judiciously and please meet me back here in February for some more supernatural works!


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