
I’m creative in my own way. I mean I am a multi-published author. But then I go see the homes of young women in my family and I get jealous.  

Turns out, I have no decorating gene.

Went to see my niece’s new home this week – she’s been in it less than two months and it’s completely decorated with pictures on the wall and beautiful touches everywhere. 

I cannot say the same for my place. The gene just passed me by.

Visited La Daughter’s new apartment a few weeks ago and had the same feeling. Why don’t I know about these beautiful little touches?

La Daughter-in-law even has a Etsy site where she makes these lovely little touches that add so much. Check it out here – HoneycuttCo

Okay, none of these women write books but dang where they would sit to write them look so good! Not showing you my office, no way. Six months here and pictures still sitting against the wall in some areas rather than being hung. And while I decluttered to a fantastic level, there’s still more I could get rid of . . . Sigh

Oh well, they can come here and decorate for me any time!

At least I have this…


8 thoughts on “Decorating

  1. Hahaha! You are not alone! I write, I sew, I cook and bake, I make things. Decorate? BWAHAHA That gene so missed me! I love going to people’s houses and seeing their lovely touches, making a house a home. I look at my own house and… It’s a blank page, and I have the worst case of decorator’s block there’s ever been! Oh well. To each his own. Everyone has talents.

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