About Donna Steele

Women strong enough for love. I write about strong women in lots of areas - science fiction, paranormal and contemporary fiction romance - women coming into their strength and having the courage to find and accept love. As an empty nester with my beloved best friend and husband (who actually encourages this mad passion of mine) I write all the time – whether or not I have a pen or keyboard handy. Ever since I learned to read—from Superman Comics, Dick, Jane and Sally held no appeal—I’ve wanted to write. The possibilities of science fiction have always drawn me and I’ve read them all. There just needed to be a little more romance in them. I finally got up the courage and I’m delighted that I’m able to share these stories with you. My small town romance novels - Homecoming, Welcome Home, Red Shoes, Nowhere for Christmas, Christmas Present and Dance Partner are available at all eBook vendors. My paranormal romance eBooks Learning Trust, The Melting Series, and Wraith's Heart are now available at all eBook sellers. Wraith's Heart and Learning Trust are now also available in paperback through Amazon. I’m a member of Romance Writers of American, the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter of RWA and the Heart of Carolina Romance Writers. www.steelestories.com https://www.facebook.com/DonnaSteeleAuthor http://goo.gl/dH6PAA

The Guardians of Now

I’m thrilled to announce that my time travel series – The Guardians of Now – is back up. I received the rights back from SoulMate Publishing when they closed their doors and with the help of Leslie Ray (as always my deepest thanks!!) all three are now available!

Another Time, A Different Time, and A New Time.


Another Time is the first book I ever had to reach #1 at Amazon and it did it twice! A really great memory for me.

Exercept –

The atmosphere in the bar was nearly as dark as Dusty Williams’ mood.

Hunched over the Scotch in front of him, he peered at his hazy reflection in the shiny wood counter. In the midst of wondering if he had time to change jobs before tomorrow, he gave the bar a onceover. Dark wood, some touches of chrome, the place could at most be called ‘trendy.’

A first-timer to the bar, Dusty’d come here tonight for a self-pity drink or two. Wouldn’t do to be hungover—in addition to his already abrasive personality—for tomorrow’s presentation. He was surprised to find he’d zeroed in on the place tonight like a long-sought destination, bypassing places more familiar to him. Maybe he’d wanted the anonymity more than he realized.

One other patron dignified the place, a redhead at the far end of the bar. She appeared about as happy as he was to be here. What the hell, I’m in the mood to get my face slapped.

At least no one would be able to give him grief about a failed attempt.

“A drink for the redhead.” He turned away from watching her to speak to the bartender.

“I don’t think she wants a drink, but I’m happy to sell it to you,” the young smartass replied.

The kid was probably right. Dusty longed to ditch the suit, trash the briefcase, and get the hell out of Dodge. Unfortunately, none of that was an option. Tomorrow he had to get on a plane with his boss as babysitter and head west.

Rather than contemplate a pending disaster he needed a distraction, anything to keep his mind off the upcoming meeting.

Having a watchdog bugged Dusty though it was probably necessary keep him from ruining the deal. He was better at research than meeting with talking heads; he admitted to the lack within himself. So why did they continue to trot him out for this kind of thing? His social skills sucked, therefore he should stay in the damn lab.

His ideas sold. If the idiots couldn’t follow his designs, then maybe they weren’t capable of using the product.

The redhead demurred from the drink, giving Dusty the excuse to move in her direction. He knew women looked at him, though he wasn’t sure why. The inner package didn’t match the outer, fortunately they wouldn’t know until later, right?

“Thank you,” she began before he could speak, “but—”

“Your day looks as lousy as mine. I thought we could commiserate.” He was close enough now to take the seat beside her. Dusty stopped and glanced around. There was a vibration, an electrical hum of some kind, and the buzz was getting stronger. She seemed to notice the disturbance too, yet the smartass bartender hadn’t reacted.

After a tiny hesitation he took the seat beside her.

“Do you feel that?” she asked as he settled beside her.

“Yeah, but I don’t know…” His hand brushed hers on the bar. Accidental, because he didn’t grab women, though more than one had grabbed his ass in places like this.

There was no actual spark though they both obviously felt the slight jolt. For the first time his eyes met hers, a pretty soft blue. She seemed as startled as he felt.

“What the hell was that?” Dusty blurted. She hastily withdrew her hand from the bar. “Sorry.”

Some reviews —

I loved Donna Steele’s newest book, Another Time. In this book, like many of her others, she can take someone like me – a non-science fiction reader, and draw me into a wonderful story. There are so many things I liked about this book. There were social issues, not preached, but discussed as you would discuss with your friends. So many thought provoking ‘what if’s’ and woven through it all a love story to make anyone envious. I’m glad to know that there will be a sequel to this book. – PKC

I love time travels. Usually, either the hero or the heroine goes back in time or travels forward in time. But in Donna Steele’s Another Time, both the hero and heroine travel back in time. This allows for more interaction and less introspection so they come to the realization that time travel is real much sooner. Another Time is a spicy romance with an eco message that doesn’t bash you on the head but instead, makes you reflect on how the world might have turned out differently. Filled with humor and bits of interesting details, this is one of the most unique time travel romances I’ve ever read. I’m looking forward to the next book in this new series. – GG

A very interesting take on time travel that drew you in from the start. Both characters were very developed and made you fall in love with them. They made the best out of an awkward and complex situation and ended up making some interesting discoveries about themselves and the world. The author was able to blend both the past and the future perfectly so you didnt get confused and were able to feel as though you were really there. Based on the content this book is for a mature audience of 18+. I am an independent reviewer for Romance Authors That Rock and am giving this book 4 Hearts. – SJ

Uncaged Review: Dusty and Dee are perfect strangers who hit it off on night in a bar. After a one night stand Dee is driving Dusty to the airport for a business meeting when they crash and are thrown into another time period. Believe they ended up here for a reason, they begin putting their skills to the use of the town. This is book one in the series Featuring Dusty and Dee and the way it ends we are surely going to be seeing more of them. I for one love this storyline and found what they accomplished in this story amazing. A very entertaining read can’t wait to see what’s next in store for them. – J

Hope you check it out and thank you!!

RIP Linda Sedgwick

This is in tribute to Linda Sedgewick, an extremely talented writer and artist that we lost to cancer today.

I never actually met Linda in person, but we worked together for several years editing and publishing her SunRunner series. These books are – Voyage of the SunRunner, Blue Crab Bay, Return of the SunRunner, and A Nasty Cast.





We met through a mutual friend who knew I was a writer and that Linda had written a book but never done anything with it. I contacted her and the SunRunner series is what emerged. She did her writing at the library, as she didn’t have a computer. When she was no longer able to travel to the library, she dictated the chapters on her phone and I formatted them for her.

I have to admit I didn’t realize this YA series was a series until the third book. Her genius at weaving the tales over different times was incredible and I came to love her characters. The last book Heaven’s Gate which she was unable to complete is a little darker but tells a wonderful story in the same universe. I promised her it would be published and as soon as her family is able, they will be sending me her notes to complete the last couple of chapters. I will do my best to ghost write those few chapters as close to her voice as I can manage.

In addition to writing, she was an outstanding artist. I have some of her prints she gifted me in thanks for helping with the books.

I will miss her and I’ll let you know when Heaven’s Gate is released. Enjoy her work.

OMG! 50 Books!!

I have to admit I really didn’t see this day coming when I sent out my first manuscript for rejection. Okay, you know what I mean, a novice writer with no experience… I know I was lucky. Rebel Ink Press read my first book, Rth Rising, and of all the strange things, bought it! I was a published author. I still remember the wonder of it all. My thanks always to Cherry Adair, the speaker at the HCRW annual conference that year, who I met for the first time the next day after receiving this news. I’ll always remember how she jumped up and ran around the table to hug me.

Rebel Ink was a small eBook only publisher at the time – now most of my books are also in paper and I have two audio books with more on the horizon.

Other books and publishers followed and I’m now a hybrid writer – traditionally and self-published. I retired from my office job and began writing full time in 2015 and was able to finish up a lot of books that I’d started but hadn’t had the time to finish. I got into the groove of writing every day for at least four hours and that still holds true. “Retiring” was a misnomer, I have no idea how I got everything done when I still “worked”.

Now I’m publishing my 50th book, Alien Embraces, sequel to Alien Embrace. Who’da thunk it?? My love for the paranormal and science fiction has grown and I’ve added contemporary to my repertoire. My annual Christmas novellas are now anticipated and requested – talk about an ego boost!

I have found my niche with an incredible critique group of fellow writers that have been more help than I could ever express. My years with Heart of Carolina Romance Writers taught be at least as much if not more than I learned in school. And the best part is I’m still learning and attempting to improve my craft.

I’m often asked what advice I’d give a new writer – that’s easy. Write. Yes, some days it’s trash, and some days you’re pushing rather than have it flow. Good, that means you’re just like the rest of us. Best advice I was given… You can’t edit an empty page (thank you Nora Roberts). It happens to be true. On those days go back and read something you wrote previously or write something that’s been nagging you that has nothing to do with your current work-in-progress. It’s not like you’re cheating on your current book and those notes will come in handy when you get around to your next book.

I’m fortunate to have the time to write, but when I began, I had two young children at home, I worked full-time, and my husband traveled for his job. The writing just refused to take a complete backseat. It was a lot slower but it still got done and was stored in boxes under the bed. Like I had a choice…

So here’s # 50 – Alien Embraces, sequel to Alien Embrace. My thanks to a fan who jolted this one out of that box and demanded to know what happened. Never underestimate what a reader can do for their writer.


Thank you all for your encouragement and support!

I’ve been busy…

Not necessarily new books but I wanted to make sure my eBooks are also out in print. I know some people really prefer them and I love to accommodate my readers! Many many thanks to Leslie Ray, my intrepid cover artist! So far I’ve added the following to paperbacks-

Hazardous to the Touch, Red Shoes, Beach House, and now Country Doctor!


I’ve also put the Conall Clan out in paper – and I’ve put two books in each volume!


And now I have two audio books as well (more of those to come as well, I hope!)

Wraith’s Heart narrated by Joshua Michael Gibson and Red Shoes narrated by Tracy Butler – they both did an incredible job!


More coming – working on a new book – Reconnection, and a surprise (to me) novella in the Changing Heart series… and remember my 50th!!! book comes out in September, a sequel to Alien Embrace,  so look for that!