It’s been one for the record books (and I won’t be discussing politics at all in this post!) Wish I could say it’s been all writing and editing and getting even more ideas.
It hasn’t. But it has been busy.
First we put the house up for sale in February and started downsizing for the move to a condo – no more acre for mowing, gutters to clean, or half hour drives to buy groceries.
Hubby retired the end of March, which added a whole new dimension to living together. I had another job ready-that pesky writing thing, but he’s still exploring things and he truly deserves this time.
Then in April we contracted on our condo, with a move-in date of October. That’s when the downsizing really started. Two full trucks of furniture to Rehab for Humanity, along with dishes and glasses and linens. Clothes that we hadn’t bothered to get rid of before went out, as well as boxes we hadn’t unpacked since the last move 14 years ago.
And books, that was the hardest, getting rid of books I’d already read and wouldn’t have room for in the smaller place. I found them good homes but it was still heartrending to see them go.
We moved to a one-bedroom apartment temporarily the first of August. Fortunately Hubby and I really like each other, but still two rooms after a fairly large house has been challenging. One TV, and nowhere to really escape each other.
Oh and there was the wedding. Yep, my son and his bride got married in August in Cancun. I’d never been to Cancun, had no idea how hot the place is in August, but that aside, the wedding was beautiful, we saw old friends and some family got to attend. I do like all inclusive resorts (that include alcohol!)
Now the condo builder wants to move the closing back again – another month’s rent and storage?? Come on, the place is completed. The one beside it already occupied! Discovered today that a refrigerator is not part of the package, we’d already bought the stove so we committed debt again and got a really nice frig, we just weren’t expecting to have to buy one.
Still hope to be in by November 30 (we want earlier!! Please!) so we’d appreciate any crossed fingers, good thoughts, whatever ya got!